District ordered temporary closure of the Barranquillita and El Playón markets

District ordered temporary closure of the Barranquillita and El Playón markets

As a preventive sanitary measure aimed at containing the spread of COVID-19, the District Mayor’s Office ordered the temporary closure of the public markets called Barranquillita (for meat) and El Playón, starting at 00:00 hours on Monday, June 29 until on July 13 at 12:00 at night. The measure was issued, through resolution 0160 of … Read more

Quarantine in Colombia: Duque says that holiday is not for holidays or parties – Government – Politics

Quarantine in Colombia: Duque says that holiday is not for holidays or parties – Government – Politics

President Iván Duque sent a forceful message to Colombians this Friday: “This will be a weekend with a holiday and, of course, we must be clear that this is not the time for rumbas or ‘pachangas’, that this is not time to be relaxed or to ruin the rules. ” During the broadcast of the … Read more

Argentine stocks and bonds fell to 6.6% affected by external collapse

Argentine stocks and bonds fell to 6.6% affected by external collapse

Against this background, Argentine stocks listed on Wall Street fell to more than 6%. Irsa’s shares led the setbacks, with a drop of 6.6%, followed by the assets of Edenor (-5.7%), Banco Macro (-5.4%), and BBVA (-4.9). %). June 26 rava.jpg – – As a result, and with attention paid to the Government’s announcement on … Read more

Ukraine: IMF approves $ 5 billion loan

Ukraine: IMF approves $ 5 billion loan

Posted on June 10, 2020 Copyright © 2020 Reuters Ukraine: IMF approves $ 5 billion loan – WASHINGTON / KIEV (Reuters) – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Tuesday approved a five billion dollar (4.4 billion euros) loan to Ukraine, as the coronavirus epidemic plunges the country into recession . The IMF will release $ … Read more

Billionaire Warren Buffett’s company sells all its stakes in US airlines

Billionaire Warren Buffett’s company sells all its stakes in US airlines

value Description Indignant 0 Sad 3 Indifferent 0 Surprised one Happy 5 – – – – The conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway Inc sold all of its stakes in the four largest airlines in the United States, the president said Warren buffett on May 2, 2020 at the company’s annual shareholders meeting. The group had significant positions … Read more

What should Capricorn be wary of April 23?

What should Capricorn be wary of April 23?

It is advisable for the zodiac to monitor its behavior. Each person values ​​his family and friends, so hardly anyone will want to offend these people with his actions. However, sometimes stupidity can happen involuntarily, and friends because of her turn away for a long time. The risk of offending relatives is especially high at … Read more

Electric and gas-powered cars will be removed from the prohibition signs

Electric and gas-powered cars will be removed from the prohibition signs

The signs prohibiting entry of cars with a low economic class will not apply to electric vehicles and vehicles with gas engines. The innovation will work from July 1, 2021, it follows from the amendments to the SDA prepared by the Ministry of Transport. Indexes were introduced in the SDA in 2018: the number on … Read more

In the Korian Ehpad, “swallowed up by the wave” of the Covid-19

In the Korian Ehpad, “swallowed up by the wave” of the Covid-19

For the past month, the fatal countdowns have been making headlines in the press: at “Villa Victoria” in Noisy-le-Grand (Seine-Saint-Denis), 25 deaths; the “Aurélias” of Pollionnay (Rhône), 28 deaths; at “la Vill’Alizé” in Thise (Doubs), 26 deaths … And the heaviest death toll known to date, at “la Riviera” de Mougins and its 36 dead … Read more

Jeff Bezos, coronavirus and good fortune

Jeff Bezos, coronavirus and good fortune

There are all the bosses of the world, big and small, worried about the cash flow and the sustainability of the company in the face of the recession. And then there is Jeff Bezos. The founder of Amazon has seen his personal fortune skyrocket over the past month. Estimated by Bloomberg at 105 billion dollars … Read more

Greece: at Teleperformance, worry on the phone

Greece: at Teleperformance, worry on the phone

“Every day, I have a lump in my stomach as soon as I wake up. I’m scared to go to work “, explains Anne (1). This 20-year-old Frenchwoman works at Teleperformance in Athens. She is one of those voices who, from a telephone platform, provide technical assistance or after-sales service for international brands. Apple, Hewlett … Read more