Defending Constitutional Court decision, number of campuses turn on Emergency Warning Sirens

Defending Constitutional Court decision, number of campuses turn on Emergency Warning Sirens

loading… Several groups of students from different campuses turned on emergency alert sirens. Photo / screenshot JAKARTA – There are several groups a student from various campuses in Indonesia have uploaded photos depicting Garuda Indonesia on their social media accounts. Against a blue background, directly above the national symbol is written the phrase “Emergency Alert”. … Read more

New York’s Columbia University president resigns after anti-Palestinian protests –

New York’s Columbia University president resigns after anti-Palestinian protests –

The president of the prestigious Columbia University in New York, Minouche Shafik, announced her resignation on Wednesday, citing the “time of crisis” when the institution became the center of student protests against the war in Gaza. “I am making this announcement now so that new leadership is in place by the start of next semester,” … Read more