Up to a quarter of Finns have fallen ill – The doctor is horrified: “There is very little talk about this” – 2024-05-10 02:02:08

Up to a quarter of Finns have fallen ill – The doctor is horrified: “There is very little talk about this”
 – 2024-05-10 02:02:08

Health Overweight and waist obesity can cause a serious illness that threatens even children. According to the doctor, the situation in Finland is now really worrying. He tells an easy rule of thumb to identify an increased risk of getting sick. Wednesday 8 May 2024 at 20:26 #quarter #Finns #fallen #ill #doctor #horrified #talk

Up to a quarter of Finns have fallen ill – The doctor is horrified: “There is very little talk about this” – 2024-05-09 21:14:25

Up to a quarter of Finns have fallen ill – The doctor is horrified: “There is very little talk about this”
 – 2024-05-09 21:14:25

Health Overweight and waist obesity can cause a serious illness that threatens even children. According to the doctor, the situation in Finland is now really worrying. He tells an easy rule of thumb to identify an increased risk of getting sick. Wednesday 8 May 2024 at 20:26 #quarter #Finns #fallen #ill #doctor #horrified #talk

Aija Salovaara: This is how I got rid of SRRI drugs – 2024-05-08 20:28:28

Aija Salovaara: This is how I got rid of SRRI drugs
 – 2024-05-08 20:28:28

Health The hidden aspects of antidepressants are still taboo in Finland. Aija started eating them already in her twenties. At first they were like a lifeline. Now he tells what they later caused him. – It was indescribably terrible. Today at 9:29 #Aija #Salovaara #rid #SRRI #drugs

Viewpoint: Ada died at the age of 16 – Politicians do not realize this cost to societyKotimaa 1.5. 6:00 – 2024-05-02 11:31:13

Viewpoint: Ada died at the age of 16 – Politicians do not realize this cost to societyKotimaa 1.5.  6:00
 – 2024-05-02 11:31:13

Viewpoint: Ada died at the age of 16 – Politicians do not realize this cost to societyKotimaa 1.5. 6:00 #Viewpoint #Ada #died #age #Politicians #realize #cost #societyKotimaa

Rare information reveals: This is how the well-off spend their money – A completely different reality for the poorKotimaa26.4. 6:00 – 2024-04-29 16:46:26

Rare information reveals: This is how the well-off spend their money – A completely different reality for the poorKotimaa26.4.  6:00
 – 2024-04-29 16:46:26

Rare information reveals: This is how the well-off spend their money – A completely different reality for the poorKotimaa26.4. 6:00 #Rare #information #reveals #welloff #spend #money #completely #reality #poorKotimaa26.4

The stories of Neten, 35, and Eetu, 38, show the harsh turn of the homeless – Kipakka message for decision-makers Kotimaa23.4. 10:04 am – 2024-04-26 09:30:42

The stories of Neten, 35, and Eetu, 38, show the harsh turn of the homeless – Kipakka message for decision-makers Kotimaa23.4.  10:04 am
 – 2024-04-26 09:30:42

The stories of Neten, 35, and Eetu, 38, show the harsh turn of the homeless – Kipakka message for decision-makers Kotimaa23.4. 10:04 am #stories #Neten #Eetu #show #harsh #turn #homeless #Kipakka #message #decisionmakers #Kotimaa23.4