Because of a tree, he got a job.. A citizen saw a strange story while he was searching for a job at a company’s headquarters in Makkah

Because of a tree, he got a job.. A citizen saw a strange story while he was searching for a job at a company’s headquarters in Makkah

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A citizen narrated the story of his obtaining an additional job, which enabled him to live at the same financial level, after he watered a small tree sapling on a public road in Makkah. And the citizen said, in a video clip that he shared through the “Tik Tok” application, that he went … Read more

A South Korean company wins a deal to build power stations in Libya… Here are the details

A South Korean company wins a deal to build power stations in Libya… Here are the details

South Korean company Daewoo Engineering & Construction has won a deal to build power plants in Libya. Daewoo stated that it had signed a $790 million deal with the Libyan General Electricity Company for the Fast Track Power Plant Project in the regions of Mellitah and Misurata in Libya. The company said, “This project aims … Read more

14 companies listed in Dubai double their dividends to 22 billion.

14 companies listed in Dubai double their dividends to 22 billion.

the date 2/26/2023 7:29:36 PM (MENAFN-Al-Bayan) 14 companies listed on the Dubai Financial Market doubled their cash distributions for the year 2022 to touch 22 billion dirhams, compared to 8 billion dirhams distributions for 2021, an increase of 173.75%, in conjunction with the announcement of 3 companies listed in the past year for generous distributions, … Read more