[AFP] Viruses: bodies of victims transferred by private jet or cargo to the Holy Land

[AFP] Viruses: bodies of victims transferred by private jet or cargo to the Holy Land

Serge Bokobza’s family did not want him to be buried anywhere other than Jerusalem. So, on her death, she transferred her remains from France to the Holy Land despite the difficulties posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, and at the cost of attending the burial by videoconference. Died of the new coronavirus, this Jewish doctor from … Read more

[Société] VIDEO – After a month of confinement, the streets of Saint-Denis come alive

[Société] VIDEO – After a month of confinement, the streets of Saint-Denis come alive

In some places on the island, containment has lived. Nothing to do with the crowds or the pre-containment road traffic, of course. But in the capital, for example, different districts of the island are now a little more lively than in previous weeks, and on the roads, vehicles are becoming less scarce, as are pedestrians. … Read more

[Société] Dengue kills two

[Société] Dengue kills two

Dengue 2 – Coronavirus 0. This is the sad result that the ARS has just obtained, engaged in the fight against the vector to stop the dengue virus. Since 2017, the agency has deplored more than 20 dead, a large part of which is directly to be credited to the Tiger mosquito, the spread of … Read more

[Société] Health scandal: Twelve children disabled by chik

[Société] Health scandal: Twelve children disabled by chik

Between 2005 and 2006, a dozen mothers affected by the chikungunya virus gave birth to severely disabled children. All were infected when the authorities considered the disease to be mild and temporary. Today adolescents, children have suffered severe neurological consequences. – Louis (*) is 14 years old. He can neither read nor write. And he … Read more

[Culture & Loisirs] Video on demand service: Netflix soon to be dethroned?

[Culture & Loisirs] Video on demand service: Netflix soon to be dethroned?

$ 15.8 billion in revenue for a profit of $ 1.2 billion in 2018. Netflix largely dominates the streaming market with nearly 160 million paying subscribers worldwide, in 2019. Specialized initially in rental and purchase of DVDs, the Californian company, created in 1997by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph, invented a new lucrative business model by … Read more

[Société] Chinese passengers quarantined upon arrival in Mauritius

[Société] Chinese passengers quarantined upon arrival in Mauritius

They are not infected with the new coronavirus, but suffered from fever when they arrived in Mauritius. As a precaution, five passengers from China were placed in quarantine by the authorities of the sister island, yesterday Wednesday according to our colleagues from the Mauritius Express. READ ALSO -> Faced with the epidemic, China puts entire … Read more