[Société] Municipal in Saint-Denis: The Republicans support Didier Robert for the 2nd round

[Société] Municipal in Saint-Denis: The Republicans support Didier Robert for the 2nd round

While Didier Robert gave this Wednesday afternoon a press conference as part of the municipal elections in Saint-Denis, Michel Fontaine, as president of the Federation of Republicans of La Réunion, supported him in a press release. “Questioned by the VSomission NOTnationalIInvestiture, I approved the decision which will allow candidate Didier Robert to have our support … Read more

[Culture & Loisirs] BD to deconfinate in peace

[Culture & Loisirs] BD to deconfinate in peace

BOOKS. Pending the return of new products next week at your bookstores, here is a small selection of what you could have missed during your confinement … Catch-up session. – The cost of breakdown Author with undeniable comic power but also tortured artist, Manu Larcenet returns with a new comic strip of which he is … Read more

[Société] Sainte-Marie: “Open our schools!”

SAINTE MARIE. “Open our schools!”, ask parents of Sainte-Marie in a letter addressed to the mayor. This is a “group of parents’ representatives” of five schools made up “in a few days”, according to one of its members, Thomas Salacroup. “A survey of parents showed that more than 25% of them wanted their children to … Read more

[Société] The timid revival of craftwork

[Société] The timid revival of craftwork

Several markets on the island reopened this weekend their space for artisans. An initiative welcomed even if the restart of the activity is slow. – Along with small businesses, local artisans are the other big losers in containment. For two months, they had no income apart from the aid capped at 1,500 euros per month … Read more

[Société] Dengue fever eclipsed by Covid-19, the Health Security Agency is alarmed

[Société] Dengue fever eclipsed by Covid-19, the Health Security Agency is alarmed

The National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Security (ANSES) was contacted urgently by the Directorate General of Health to assess the benefit-risk ratio of maintaining vector control systems (LAV) implemented against dengue in overseas territories during the Covid-19 epidemic. In its conclusions, the agency specifies ” the measures taken against Covid-19 tend to … Read more

[Société] Almost a year after the first test releases, where are we with the sterile mosquito technique?

[Société] Almost a year after the first test releases, where are we with the sterile mosquito technique?

Almost a year ago, in June 2019, the first sterile male tiger mosquitoes were released in the Duparc district. A test as part of the TIS (Sterile Insect Technique) project, conducted by the IRD in Reunion, and the results of which have just been made public. – In the midst of a dengue epidemic in … Read more

[Sport] Ligue 1: Monaco, internal tensions for perilous building site

[Sport] Ligue 1: Monaco, internal tensions for perilous building site

The advent of coach Robert Moreno in January, accompanied by an investment in transfers of 60 million euros, did not prevent Monaco from missing its season. Without necessary reorientations, the consequences of this second consecutive year without European qualification could be disastrous. Third Ligue 1 bugdet but only ninth in the classification at the time … Read more

[Politique] Municipal: The right is looking for an option to counter Huguette Bello

[Politique] Municipal: The right is looking for an option to counter Huguette Bello

MUNICIPALS. The defeat that promises for Joseph Sinimalé and Alain Bénard in the event of a triangular against Huguette Bello pushes the right to imagine all the scenarios, even the most spectacular. – No one, even the most daring scriptwriters, would have imagined such a dramatic development. The break inflicted by confinement in the race … Read more

[Société] A recreation to reinvent

[Société] A recreation to reinvent

Metropolitan schools reopened their doors last week. In the lessons, children must invent new games to respect the physical distancing measures imposed, a perilous exercise because “unnatural”. – An image has toured social networks: that of students from a school in Tourcoing (North) sitting on the ground in squares drawn on the ground in order … Read more

[Société] 5 deaths from dengue in one week

[Société] 5 deaths from dengue in one week

New assessment of dengue published yesterday by the prefecture and the epidemic continues its course. From May 4 to 10, the territory registers around 1,000 new cases of dengue fever. More serious, we deplore 5 deaths “directly or indirectly linked” to this virus. A total of 9 people have died from this epidemic since the … Read more