[Société] 365 DNI… or 365 reasons to flee a filthy film

[Société] 365 DNI… or 365 reasons to flee a filthy film

It is at the top of the most watched movies currently on Netflix. At a time when consciences are awakening around the question of consent with the MeToo movement, it is also criticized from all sides. Here is “365 DNI” or the art of maintaining the culture of rape and the apology of violence through … Read more

[Sport] Jordan François-Marie (Plobsheim, N2): Comforting interlude

[Sport] Jordan François-Marie (Plobsheim, N2): Comforting interlude

Two years after turning his back on the professional world, to refocus on a bed and breakfast project with his partner, Jordan François-Marie, 30, decided to dive back. In N1, at the ASPTT Mulhouse-Rixheim. His good nature and his timbre of voice have not changed over time. At the end of the line, Jordan François-Marie, … Read more

[Economie] The bosses of the box hope for a derogation

[Economie] The bosses of the box hope for a derogation

ST.PAUL. Several nightclub bosses met with the sub-prefect of Saint-Paul yesterday afternoon to obtain a waiver allowing them to open until 4 or 5 am. Hope is allowed. – On the scale of the deconfinement plan, nightclubs are at the bottom of the priorities. They could reopen in September, perhaps, if all goes well. “We … Read more

[Société] Dengue : two additional deaths

[Société] Dengue : two additional deaths

Even if the number of new cases is in decline, dengue continues its expansion on the island. The virus has been 2 additional deaths, according to the latest balance sheet of the prefecture, which brings to 13 the number of deaths due to dengue fever since the beginning of the year. From 8 to 14 … Read more

[Société] Delays for flights to Mayotte-Air Austral has appealed

[Société] Delays for flights to Mayotte-Air Austral has appealed

AIR. According to the site Retardvol.fr Air Austral has been condemned by the court of close to Mamoudzou, Mayotte, be 31 December 2019, to indemnify the passengers of a delayed flight for more than 16 hours. The company argued in a hidden defect which affects the reactors Rolls-Royce for its Boeing 787 aircraft. These problems … Read more

[Société] 4 additional deaths linked indirectly to the dengue fever in recent weeks.

[Société] 4 additional deaths linked indirectly to the dengue fever in recent weeks.

In the beginning of the austral winter, the dengue fever is still present. Also, the Prefecture and the ARS remind people about the importance to seek prompt medical attention in case of symptoms, to protect themselves from mosquito bites and to continue to protect themselves, even sick, to protect his loved ones and to eliminate … Read more

[Société] A section “spektak” created in the CGTR

[Société] A section “spektak” created in the CGTR

UNION. The health crisis put the culture to stop. Several structures have been created in recent weeks to try to represent the sector : the association Kolèt’ and the collective MIKS. The CGTR has decided this week to mount a new section called spektak to represent the employees. “At the national, a trade union, CGT … Read more

[Faits Divers] Drug traffickers arrested in the bodybuilding community

[Faits Divers] Drug traffickers arrested in the bodybuilding community

SAINT-PIERRE / LE TAMPON. Yesterday morning, the gendarmes of the Saint-Denis research section made a major catch in the small body of bodybuilding in the south of the island. Six suspects, including a graduate and titled coach, were placed in police custody. They are suspected of being at the head of a juicy traffic in … Read more

[Société] “Covid-19 has a risk factor for pulmonary fibrosis”

[Société] “Covid-19 has a risk factor for pulmonary fibrosis”

INTERVIEW. Covid-19 patients who required mechanical ventilation may experience long-term complications. Update with Dr. Bernard-Alex Gaüzere, former head of the intensive care unit at CHU Nord. – According to a recent Chinese study (*), the possible consequence of an acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), like the one caused by Covid-19, would be pulmonary fibrosis? “The … Read more

[clicazot] Letters from readers: Clinique Ylang-Ylang, between confinement and Mother’s Day

[clicazot] Letters from readers: Clinique Ylang-Ylang, between confinement and Mother’s Day

Location / Schedule: Le Port, 2 p.m., Saturday, day before mom’s day. Circumstances: My friend, Jacqueline, charming lady of 89 spring, is followed at the Ylang-Ylang center in recovery of autonomy after a heavy operation which occurred around the 14th of March at CHOR de Saint-Paul. Intervention following the premature death of her youngest son … Read more