[Sport] SURVEY. Who would you see as President of the Reunion Football League?

[Sport] SURVEY.  Who would you see as President of the Reunion Football League?

January 24, 2021 will be marked by the election of the new president of the Reunion Football League. The Journal of Reunion Island offers, for a little fun, a survey featuring eleven personalities emblematic of the sport-king, declared candidates or not. Note that these eleven names were selected by the sports editorial staff of the … Read more

[Faits Divers] 80,000 euros requested for a couple harassed on Instagram

[Faits Divers] 80,000 euros requested for a couple harassed on Instagram

ST DENIS. Julien and Chloe, a young couple of influencers, appealed against the invalidity of the citation declared at first instance in a cyberstalking case. The two respondents were heard again at the court of appeal. The Advocate General requested that the invalidity be maintained and the civil party’s lawyer demanded compensation of 40,000 euros … Read more

[Société] Speed ​​bumps make motorists jump

[Société] Speed ​​bumps make motorists jump

ROAD. No need to have completed Bac + 5 to realize that a large number of speed bumps in Reunion are out of the ordinary. Local residents are asking for it, but motorists are shouting stop. – We call them speed bumps, hikes and bumps or even gendarmes lying in popular language, speed bumps have … Read more

[Sport] Tokyo via Saint-Denis | Clicanoo.re

[Sport] Tokyo via Saint-Denis |  Clicanoo.re

HANDISPORT. Qualified for the Tokyo 2021 Paralympic Games, the members of the France team, Dimitri Pavadé and Ronan Pallier, are doing an internship at home in Reunion. – Because we’re always better off warm. And above all, at home. “It motivates and it balances the heart“, confirms Dimitri Pavadé, now settled in Toulouse and back … Read more

[Faits Divers] French tourist stabbed in New York neighborhood

[Faits Divers] French tourist stabbed in New York neighborhood

Gabriel Bascou, a Montpellier native who grew up in Reunion, was savagely attacked by a man armed with a cutter while he was staying in the United States. Taken care of in critical condition, he is now out of danger. – 28-year-old photographer living in Paris, Gabriel Bascou stayed on Reunion Island until he was … Read more

[Faits Divers] They pay nearly 13,000 euros with stolen checks

[Faits Divers] They pay nearly 13,000 euros with stolen checks

EASTERN REGION. 5 young people wanted to get rich off the heads of other people but did not think about the consequences. But it is before the Criminal Court of Champ-Fleuri that they appeared yesterday, accused of fraud. They used no less than 25 stolen checks to do their own shopping in various stores. 3 … Read more

[Faits Divers] Saint-Denis: 15 years for the rapist teacher

[Faits Divers] Saint-Denis: 15 years for the rapist teacher

The trial of the rapist teacher continued and ended yesterday. Faced with the facts, the Court of Appeal sentenced him to 15 years’ imprisonment for rape of a minor under 15, who is more vulnerable. – As the presiding judge had not closed the proceedings yesterday, during the first day of the trial, the mother … Read more

[Faits Divers] Voyeur teacher tried for rape of his autistic student

[Faits Divers] Voyeur teacher tried for rape of his autistic student

CRIMINAL COURT. Thomas, a teacher in an IME from 2011 to 2018, has, during these years, filmed under the skirts and photographed the buttocks of his colleagues. He would also have abused one of his minor and autistic students. His rape trial begins today at the Saint-Denis Court of Appeal. It will continue until tomorrow. … Read more

[clicazot] VIDEO – Saint-Paul: Audrey Fontaine points to “the first dysfunctions of the municipal majority”

[clicazot] VIDEO – Saint-Paul: Audrey Fontaine points to “the first dysfunctions of the municipal majority”

Video Jean-Philippe Lutton – On the eve of the Saint-Paul municipal council, Audrey Fontaine, elected from the opposition, gave a press conference. The elected representative spoke of what she describes as “the first dysfunctions of the current municipal majority of Huguette Bello”. Audrey Fontaine raised three issues: “the inhuman management of municipal staff”, a conflict … Read more

[Faits Divers] Saint-Paul: He burns his family’s cane field

[Faits Divers] Saint-Paul: He burns his family’s cane field

A field of canes fell victim to flames last Saturday at Guillaume Saint-Paul. Although no witnesses were present during the incendiary scene, everything suggested that the author of the fire was none other than Dimitry H. The latter appeared in front of the Saint-Denis court yesterday. He is accused by his mother herself, as well … Read more