In his new book, Jean Védrines finds the child he was when he lived in Montluçon (Allier)

“The autobiographical part of L’enfant rouge is more important than in my previous novels”. Jean Védrines readily affirms it, evoking “the very precise plan of Montluçon” in his mind, with his father’s office at the headquarters of the Communist Party. Not a historical novel But, by situating his novel in the 1960s of his childhood, … Read more

Six injured at the Gare du Nord station in Paris: the police open fire on the attacker

The events took place around 6:45 in the station. For a reason that remains to be determined, the man attacked several people with a bladed weapon. It would be a homemade weapon, of the fist type. The police overwhelmed him, wounding him with bullets. He was seriously injured and was hospitalized. Second FM TV, six … Read more

Macron receives 50 industrialists, new scandal in the Church, elections in the USA… The key news of this Tuesday

Macron receives the 50 leaders of the most polluting industrial sites in France Returning from Egypt, where COP27 began on Sunday, Emmanuel Macron brings together the 50 leaders of the most polluting industrial sites in France on Tuesday 8 November at the Elysée, which alone account for 30,000 jobs and 50% of emissions from the … Read more

Tension in the hospital: 400 million euros finally released by the government

Health Minister François Braun announced on Wednesday an allocation of 400 million euros in aid instead of the 150 planned for October. A measure intended to reduce the hospital crisis and which concerns “services in tension”, including pediatric emergencies, affected by an epidemic of bronchiolitis. “We have children on stretchers, in the corridors …”: because … Read more

Bites in nightclubs: dozens of people affected all over France

Nantes, Périgueux, Grenoble, Amiens, Bourges or even Béziers… Several dozen revelers reported having been stung without their knowledge in the evening. “Nausea”, “dizziness” or severe pain: dozens of young people in France say they have been stung in nightclubs or at festivals, creating a climate of “psychosis”.The phenomenon worries. Cases have been reported during concerts … Read more

Flu vaccination: what you need to know about the campaign that starts on October 22

The flu last winter? To absent subscribers. The seasonal virus has passed its turn. But everything indicates that we will not escape it this year. Vaccination, especially for the weakest and the oldest, is highly recommended. Why did the flu disappear last year? The fear relayed by the health authorities of a difficult cohabitation between … Read more

Submarine delivery: why Australia torpedoed the € 56 billion “deal of the century” with France

“A blow in the back”. Jean-Yves Le Drian, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, broke with the usual windings of diplomatic language yesterday when commenting on the Australian about-face. “I am angry, it is not done between allies,” he added Thursday on France Info. To hear Hugues Eudeline, a former Navy officer and former nuclear submarine … Read more