“Video reveals the struggle of a prisoner’s family of six who are unable to make ends meet and the extent of their debt”

“Video reveals the struggle of a prisoner’s family of six who are unable to make ends meet and the extent of their debt”

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Al-Ekhbariya TV reporter revealed Case No. 37, which is for a prisoner’s family consisting of 6 members, who need a monthly bail. He explained that the family resides in Hail, and the National Committee for Mercy in the Al-Baha region conducted a case study to find out its needs. Pointing out that this … Read more

Discovering 6 types of foods that improve brain function and stop stroke • Al Marsad Newspaper

Discovering 6 types of foods that improve brain function and stop stroke • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper – Agencies: Dr. Yelena Solomatina, a Russian nutrition expert, announced that antioxidants, vitamin B group, and unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids improve brain function. And the unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, according to her, have a special effect on brain activity. She says, “These acids protect the nerve impulses necessary for full human activity. They … Read more

Cardiology consultant reveals 6 reasons for the sudden appearance of bruises on the body • Al Marsad Newspaper

Cardiology consultant reveals 6 reasons for the sudden appearance of bruises on the body • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Cardiology consultant Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr revealed 6 reasons behind the sudden appearance of bruises on the body. Al-Nimr said, through his Twitter account: Common bruises in women are not clots, and among their causes: 1. An encounter that the person does not remember. 2. Platelet deficiency. 3. Increase liquidity. 4. Some medications: aspirin … Read more

Watch… a “consultant” reveals the name of a drug that leads to weight loss within 6 months… and explains how to take it

Watch… a “consultant” reveals the name of a drug that leads to weight loss within 6 months… and explains how to take it

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Obesity and laparoscopic surgery consultant, Dr. Nayef Al-Enezi, revealed a new drug that reduces weight within 6 months. He explained during an interview with the “My Lady” program broadcast on the Gulf Rotana channel: “The US Food and Drug Administration approved” Upper Mongaro “, which is one of the approved drugs to reduce … Read more

EBN overtakes Santander and becomes the first bank with a reverse mortgage | companies

EBN overtakes Santander and becomes the first bank with a reverse mortgage |  companies

EBN has today become the first bank to offer a reverse mortgage in Spain, a financial product that allows homeowners over the age of 65 to obtain a loan that they do not have to return until the duration of the same expires and that the house is guaranteed. When contracted, it does not imply … Read more

Scientists Hold Dinosaur Extinction Disaster Reconstruction So Humans Don’t Have The Same Fate

Asteroid. ©2013 Merdeka.com Reporter: Fauzan Jamaludin Merdeka.com – About 66 million years ago, a 6-mile-wide asteroid crashed into Earth near what is now Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Wiped out most of the life on this planet. The impact of the fall of the asteroid left a crater 110 miles wide and 12 miles deep and produced … Read more

6 foods rich in carbohydrates: do not gain weight

6 foods rich in carbohydrates: do not gain weight

Carbohydrates have always been associated with weight gain, but many foods rich in carbohydrates do not cause weight gain, and are considered healthy and beneficial, and should be included in your diet. Doctors and nutritionists agree that carbohydrates are an essential nutrient that should not be avoided, and a Polish study using data from the … Read more

The richest person in Asia loses 23 billion dollars of his wealth in 6 hours… and the reason is revealed

The richest person in Asia loses 23 billion dollars of his wealth in 6 hours… and the reason is revealed

Al-Marsad Newspaper – Agencies: The Indian billionaire, Gautam Adani, left the list of the 5 richest people in the world on Friday, with the decline in the shares of the “Adani” group companies. The shares of “Adani” companies fell after the issuance of a report on the group prepared by the “Hindenburg Research” company, alleging … Read more

Statement from the Public Prosecution regarding the confiscation of more than 3 million riyals and imprisonment for 6 years for two persons on charges of money laundering

Statement from the Public Prosecution regarding the confiscation of more than 3 million riyals and imprisonment for 6 years for two persons on charges of money laundering

Al-Marsad Newspaper: An official source in the Public Prosecution stated that the investigations of the Economic Crimes Prosecution ended up charging two expatriates (of Arab nationalities) with money laundering. Investigation procedures revealed that the defendants collected large amounts of money, knowing that they resulted from crimes and violations of a number of regulations, for the … Read more

One billion infected in the world. 6 recommendations for studying “gum disease and diabetes”

One billion infected in the world.  6 recommendations for studying “gum disease and diabetes”

The study, conducted by the Sharek Association for Research and Studies, recommended measuring and assessing community awareness of the relationship between gum disease and organic diseases, including diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension and respiratory infections. Concerted efforts to improve the oral and gum health of the general public, both those with systemic diseases … Read more