This is the income of Sonja Aiello, who received the sentence –

This is the income of Sonja Aiello, who received the sentence

Social influencer Sonja Aiello’s income is moderate. Sonja Aiello is a 25-year-old social media influencer. Mia Siren Social media influencer Sonja Aiellon earned income in the year was 54,754 euros. He accumulated capital income of 7,175 euros, i.e. his total income was 61,929 euros. Aiello has spent a quiet life on social media after he … Read more

The traditional store chain has a losing streak – The owners have a good account –

The traditional store chain has a losing streak – The owners have a good account

Sisters Liisa and Pekka Halonen sold off Halonen’s sister company Carlson Rautakaupat last year. Eastern Finnish department store chain Carlson sold its hardware business to RTV-Yhtymä last year. It was about selling a very traditional business, as Carlson has had hardware stores since 1859. Carlson is owned by siblings Alice and Pekka Halonen. They also … Read more

“I don’t want to leave anything to my parents” –

“I don’t want to leave anything to my parents”

Ilona Siekkinen tells Iltalehti in more detail about her last will. Ilona Siekkinen decided to start making a will. PASI LIESIMAA Fitness influencer Ilona Siekkinen28, took the reins into his own hands and started creating a will. Siekkinen tells Iltalehti that the will was planned on Wednesday and the papers will be signed next week. … Read more

These celebrities were invited to Linna’s party: “Such an honor” –

These celebrities were invited to Linna’s party: “Such an honor”

Musician Olli Halonen gives his social media followers the atmosphere of the invitation he received to the Independence Day reception. Musician Olli Halonen36, gets to choose a better one for the upcoming Independence Day. Halonen announces in his Instagram stories that he received an invitation from President Alexander Stubb to Linna’s party. Instagram stories are … Read more

Stubb visited CNN – Surprising answer to a question about Trump –

Stubb visited CNN – Surprising answer to a question about Trump

The President of the Republic, Alexander Stubb, was interviewed by CNN. The President of the Republic, Alexander Stubb, once again showed his political acumen. Stubb was interviewed by the American CNN. Both conservative and liberal interviewers have often tried to get Stubb to slip something snarky. That’s what happened this time too. Journalist Christiane Amanpour … Read more

“I thought Anna Puuhan was talking about it” –

“I thought Anna Puuhan was talking about it”

Singer Sanni published a picture of herself with her new hair. Singer Sanni has dyed her hair. Sanni, known for her bold hair colors, is her real name Sanni Kurkisuohas traded her red tresses for a short blonde bob. This is evident from the singer’s recent Instagram post. Sanni used to have this kind of … Read more

Atanas Ilkov blamed the head of the National Theater for the disturbances

Atanas Ilkov blamed the head of the National Theater for the disturbances

“Perhaps, to a large extent, the added tension was caused by the inappropriate action of the director of the theater, who entered into negotiations with the protesters. Apparently, he did not appreciate the situation that there was tension in front of the theater. , this should be agreed with his colleagues to be under our … Read more

A mysterious income king chased by the police disappeared from the tax machine –

A mysterious income king chased by the police disappeared from the tax machine

According to income and tax records, Richard Schueler’s income dropped to zero last year. Schueler was known to live in Helsinki before, but now there is no information about his whereabouts. The Helsinki District Court imprisoned the man in absentia in September on suspicion of aggravated tax fraud and assault. Richard Schueler also goes by … Read more