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Tadeusz Rydzyk at the birthday of Radio Maryja. “Every day I ask the director

In the Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Star of the New Evangelization and St. John Paul II, the celebration of the 29th anniversary of the establishment of Radio Maryja. This year, due to the epidemic and restrictions related to it, the event is more modest than usual, but there were, among others, Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro and Deputy Minister Michał Woś, Head of the Ministry of Defense Mariusz Błaszczak, Presidential Minister Adam Kwiatkowski, Ombudsman for Children Mikołaj Pawlak and several deputies and senators PiS. The highlight of the program was the speech Tadeusz Rydzyk.

Rydzyk: Every day I ask the director – how much money do we have?

The director of the radio station compared the family of Radio Maryja to an oak that would not be broken by anything and emphasized that the entire conglomerate was working thanks to the financial support of many people. – There is a saying in Poland: “grain to grain and the scoop will be collected”. So many of these grains – this is the family of Radio Maryja. This one helped, this one helped. When we look at the victims that come – 10 zlotys, 5 zlotys, 20 zlotys, 100 zlotys, sometimes there will be more. And we exist? We exist – he said.

Every day I ask the director – how much money do we have? Can we make it to the first one? (…) They promised us that they would give us some more money for the National Remembrance Park – they did not. But we will go to them

– announced the clergyman and added that “Gazeta Wyborcza” will write that PiS gives money to Rydzyk. – It’s a pity to talk. Worse than the gardener’s dog. Bless you, God has a great zoo in this world – he said.

The clergyman was also concerned about the continued maintenance of the churches. – Thank you, priests. Without you, there would be nothing. If not for priests in Poland, what would happen to Poland? Therefore, let us love priests and help them. And let’s remember now to keep the churches. People don’t go to church now, and how to maintain the church? (…) They will not go after the carol. How will it all hold on? – He was asking.

In his 20-minute speech, the priest also argued that “Lord God is Poland first”. – Poles are a talented nation, you just need to educate them – he said.

Father Director read a message from Beata Kempa

Rydzyk he told those gathered in the temple about the wishes he had received. He decided to read everyone the SMS he received from Beata Kempa. “Father Director, I arrived late in the evening from Brussels and had to go straight to my daughter, to Wroc³aw, she is in a very serious situation, she is pregnant and now we are watching over little Santa Claus. Our child is waiting for a diagnosis, I cannot leave it “- the priest quoted.

– Bad mother? Congratulations Minister, keep it up. And not those – I don’t know if they are women or not – those who cry out to kill the children. Who are these women? And they say it’s a Women’s Strike. This is not a Women’s Strike. Are the women here women? So what – on behalf of all of you? he thundered.

Accused of covering up pedophilia as a “modern martyr”

The director also boasted an SMS from Bishop Edward Janiak. Janiak became famous after the premiere of the film “Zabawa w chanego”. The document of the Sekielski brothers shows that the clergyman was supposed to cover up pedophile acts. In June, Pope Francis suspended the bishop of Kalisz, and in October he accepted his resignation. The proceedings in the case of Janiak in Poland came to an end, and in the fall the accusations were taken up by the Vatican.

This is a modern martyr, a martyr of the media. The media did it and the media did it. And let’s not let ourselves, Catholics, start to growl at some priest, make some film and everyone is shaking. Prove it! Not that I have to prove that he is not a camel. Prove me guilty! And now everything is twisted and we are shaking. I think that in the Church we should not be afraid and plead for justice. For applicable law and justice

– said Rydzyk. He further stated that “every more decent Pole, Catholic, priest, they hit him”. – And silly and weak Catholics keep repeating. They will be responsible for this, for this stoning with words – he added.

The priest was still indignant at – as you can guess – the Sekielski films. He called them “films” and “slander.” – That the priest has sinned? Well, he has sinned, and who is not tempted? Let him show up. There is only one Mary. (…) We bear the consequences for our actions, but it is terrible what is happening – he assessed.

They are looking at nothing! Bishop Janiak has cancer and is to fight it all? The cancer will eat him sooner. How did Father Drozdek attack and lie, what was it? Later he got cancer. How many are there? How many bishops have they killed in Poland and in the world?

the businessman was nervous. He also appealed to priests who hear that other clergymen are “talking” something, to “call him, talk to him, to his superior and let him be quiet.” – Because they are either mental or spiritual deviations – he said.

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“This whole damned Vatican court has to be broken up”

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