Home » today » News » Tactical exercises of the National Armed Forces Instructor School cadets will take place in Cēsi and Smiltene counties

Tactical exercises of the National Armed Forces Instructor School cadets will take place in Cēsi and Smiltene counties

From April 24 to May 2, tactical exercises of the National Armed Forces Instructor School cadets will take place in the territory of the Garsha forest massif of Dzerbene, Taurene and Vaives parishes of Cēsu county, as well as in the Zakiši forest massif of Launkalne, Brantu and Rauna parishes of Smiltene county, as part of the Junior Instructor Course to strengthen and apply the field combat skills acquired during the course, while performing military tasks in the area, bringing them closer to combat conditions.

The junior instructor course will conclude its 14-week training with tactical exercises that improve not only theoretical knowledge and practical skills, but also develop leadership skills.

The junior instructor course is the first career course of the instructor staff, upon successful completion of which soldiers have the right to receive the rank of corporal and serve as junior instructors. The purpose of the course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills so that the soldier can independently train and command a division-level sub-unit, or join the unit in the performance of a common task, performing tactical tasks in training and performing combat tasks.

The National Armed Forces Instructor School is a military educational institution that implements professional qualification and professional development training programs, conducting career and qualification training of unit instructors. The main task is to prepare instructors and qualified specialists according to the standards set by NATO and the National Armed Forces.

Operational information about the activities of the Instructor School of the National Armed Forces is published as far as possible on the Facebook page @macibuvadibaspavelnieciba and the Instagram page @macibuvadibaspavelnieciba.

Attention residents!

Movement of soldiers and vehicles on public roads is planned in the territory of the Garsha forest massif of Dzerbenes, Taurene and Vaives parishes of Cēsu county, as well as in the areas of Launkalnes, Brantu and Rauna parishes of Launkalne, Brantu and Rauna parishes, along public roads in the light and dark hours of the day.

Training munitions and battle simulators will be used, which make noise but do not threaten people’s health and life, however, if found, it should not be touched.

The National Armed Forces call on the residents of Dzerbenes, Taurene and Vaives parishes of Cēsis county, as well as Launkalnes, Branta and Raunas parishes of Smiltene county, to behave with understanding towards the activities of the National Armed Forces Instructor School, which are aimed at strengthening the state’s defense capabilities.

2023-04-21 21:07:28

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