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Tablets to Increase Blood, is it Important for Pregnant Women to Consume Without Anemia?

During pregnancy, you will certainly need a lot of nutrition and nutrition to support your body as well as the developing fetus. For that, after going through an examination by an obstetrician, you may be asked to take additional supplements.

Mother, one of the supplements that may be recommended for pregnant women to take is a blood booster tablet. Mothers can be given this supplement to meet nutritional needs as the fetus grows.

Launching from Whattoexpect, the need for iron really spikes during pregnancy because your body produces more blood which delivers oxygen to your little one who is growing with you. Iron is also important for fetal brain development.



“Low iron levels lead to a risk of anemia and delayed fetal development, especially during the second trimester of pregnancy,” explains Dietitian Dietitian Alexandra Paetow, MS, RDN.

So what is the actual level of iron needed during pregnancy and is it true that you can only get it through blood-boosting tablets? Let’s see, Mother.

The level of iron needs of pregnant women

Quote from Kemkesgoid Promkesthe need for iron content or in health terms is called Fe in pregnant women is about 800 mg, Mother. The needs consist of 300 mg needed for the fetus and 500 grams to increase the hemoglobin during pregnancy.

Meanwhile, quoting from NCBI, iron is a mineral found in many proteins and enzymes that the body needs to stay healthy. Most of the iron in our bodies is found in hemoglobin, the pigment in red blood cells. Hemoglobin transports oxygen to all tissues and organs in the body.

If there is not enough iron in the blood, the amount of hemoglobin in the blood also decreases. This can reduce the supply of oxygen to cells and organs.

Do pregnant women need iron supplements?

Meanwhile, another explanation by NHS UK, There are more than 60 studies on the use of iron supplements in pregnancy. More than 40,000 women took part in the study.

The results showed that if women had normal iron levels, taking 30 mg of iron per day as a precaution, had no real health benefit for them or their children.

To determine whether or not it is important for you to take blood-added tablets, you must first know your blood levels.

Of course, through consultation with medical personnel first, Mother. Because in addition to blood-boosting tablets, an adequate food source of iron throughout the day can provide many pregnant women with adequate amounts of the mineral.

To know the risk of anemia in pregnant women, let’s go to the next page.

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Also watch the video about 7 sources of protein and iron for pregnant women who don’t like milk.

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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