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Szumowski’s resignation. Comments from PiS: “but so soon?”. Others see a bottom line | Policy

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Unexpectedly today £ ukasz Szumowski he said at a press conference: – I am resigning from the function of health minister. I anticipate all questions right away, I am not disappearing anywhere. I remain an MP and remain in the public space.

As he emphasized, talks with Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki about leaving rz±du lasted “for many months”. – The gentlemen’s agreement between me and the prime minister was such that I was to finish a few matters important for Poland – he added.

Szumowski’s dismissal is the second in the management Ministry of Health. Yesterday, Deputy Minister Janusz Cieszyński resigned.

– There were signals, but I hoped that it would not happen so quickly – comments Bolesław Piecha, MP Law and Justice dealing with health. And he adds: – Minister Łukasz Szumowski is seasoned in battle and I was hoping that it would be possible to use his knowledge and experience, because the situation with the coronavirus is still extraordinary. We are learning to live with the epidemic, but that doesn’t mean that virus he ceased to be dangerous. And we are talking here about the health aspect, about social emotions and disturbances in the economy.

The quick resignation is also unexpected because the government is to be rebuilt and reconstructed in a few weeks – that would be a natural moment to leave. The minister could wait? – I used to work in a ministry myself and I know how working in it affects the nervous system. Sometimes you just get fed up. Minister Szumowski is in his prime and intends to continue his medical career now, replies Bolesław Piecha. He is also convinced that subsequent publications in the media about flawed purchases, namely masks, and medical equipment, had no impact on his dismissal. – There were publications about masks, about various traders, about a ski instructor, but I am convinced that the ministry defended itself in all these matters – he assesses.

But not everyone thinks so. An important politician from the ruling camp says: – I did not know anything that Szumowski was to announce his resignation. I am surprised. Especially the history of buying masks from your ski instructor still looks bad and I wouldn’t be surprised if something new were to come out here.

It is a matter described by “Gazeta Wyborcza”. Overpaying and without checking the quality, the Ministry of Health bought useless protective masks for over PLN 5 million.

Another politician from United Right: – The holiday season may be a good time to resign, but on the other hand, there is to be a government reconstruction and it would be a natural moment, because then everyone is leaving. Each of the dismissals is then one of several and does not receive as much attention as it does now.

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