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Szczecin. After the death of the ten-year-old, charges were imposed on the boat’s helmsman

The helmsman of a motor boat that capsized on Lake Dąbie on Saturday heard two charges. They concern the death of a 10-year-old girl who was trapped underwater in a motorboat cabin. The man is facing up to eight years in prison.

– The collected material allowed to present two charges to the helmsman. The first one concerns a fatal accident in water traffic – Ewa Obarek from the District Prosecutor’s Office in Szczecin told us on Monday morning.

The second, however, is related to “failing to help a person in a position that threatens to endanger his life or health”. According to the investigators, the man could provide this help without endangering himself or another person.


At the same time, the prosecutor does not want to reveal the details of the findings as to why the boat capsized. She ensured that the possibility of a collision of a motorboat with another boat was eliminated.

During the weekend, 17 people drowned, almost 200 since the beginning of April.

Obarek told us that, apart from the 10-year-old girl who drowned, another minor was injured for more than seven days. She also confirmed that the helmsman was sober at the time of the accident. He faces from six months to eight years in prison. The prosecutor’s office announces a motion for pre-trial detention.

The revival took an hour and a half

A tragic accident took place on Lake Dąbie near Orlé Isthmus. The boat capsized, as a result of which a 10-year-old girl was trapped in a cabin underwater.


Only on Sunday there were 7 drowningsTVN24

The services received a signal about the accident on Saturday before 13. – The policemen received information that a boat with eight people: four adults and four children overturned in the area of ​​Lake Dąbie. Police water sportsmen and WOPR rescuers were immediately dispatched to this area – informs junior aspirant Ewelina Gryszpan, press officer of the Municipal Police Headquarters in Szczecin.

Trapped in the cabin

Officers and lifeguards took action to turn the boat over, but to no avail. – There was a child in a locked cabin. They dived and brought them ashore. Despite the long-term resuscitation undertaken on the spot, the vital functions could not be restored – added the policewoman.

A spokeswoman for the Provincial Ambulance Service in Szczecin, Paulina Targaszewska, informed that the child was resuscitated by the ambulance medical team and the Air Ambulance Service team, which was also present at the site.

She added that the ambulance service took four other people from the group on the same boat to the hospital. A six-year-old girl with an upper limb and shoulder injury was taken to the hospital along with her 40-year-old mother, who suffered head and shoulder injuries. A 36-year-old woman had no injuries, but went to the hospital with a six-year-old boy who had abrasions.

photo-source">Main photo source: TVN24

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