Alexis Tsipras and Stefanos Kasselakis, former and current president of SYRIZA, have, as is known, completely broken off their relationship since the SYRIZA conference.
According to BIMAtodoti, this did not prevent Mr. Kasselakis from getting… Tsipras, as typical blue MPs said, presenting part of the party’s economic program. Because reading the sentences he submitted, one would say that he too discovered… “leftotrees”.
According to the President of SYRIZA and the “Greek dream” he presented, the interventions to suppress the accuracy amount to 3.2 billion euros and include, among other things, tax-free for everyone with an income of 10,000 euros, VAT reductions, a reduction in the taxation rate of businesses, tax increase for those with an income over 200 thousand and even more for those with over 900,000. He also said that the energy companies and the banks will be taxed and thus the money for his program will be found.
Did, they say to Maximos, did he think of it on his own? And no one informed him e.g. that for the most basic: That approximately 70% of taxpayers who declare income from business activity are classified in an income bracket below 10,000 euros? Or that 57% of households declare an annual income of less than 10,000 euros? So who will Mr. Kasselakis tax? The middle class again? Did no one tell him that this is how Mr. Tsipras’ SYRIZA collapsed? The theory is good, but in practice the American president of SYRIZA suffers a lot.
#SYRIZA #Kaselakis #Tsipras #left #trees #Greek #dream