Home » today » World » SYRIZA: The suppose tank for Nationwide Protection was introduced – 2024-06-27 08:57:29

SYRIZA: The suppose tank for Nationwide Protection was introduced – 2024-06-27 08:57:29

The composition of the suppose tank for the Nationwide Protection was introduced immediately by SYRIZA-PS, following what was introduced yesterday concerning the areas of Hellenism Overseas, Immigration and Incapacity Coverage.

The suppose tank is made up of famend executives of their subject, specifically Nikolaos Argyros, Konstantinos Panagopoulos, Nikolaos Douros, Alexia Stoupi and Konstantinos Karageorgis.

Listed here are the resumes:

Nikolaos Argyros

He studied Digital Engineering at AEI Piraeus with a grasp’s diploma at RMIT College of Australia. He was for over thirty-five years a director in main corporations of the Protection Trade in Greece and overseas. He has intensive information and experience within the subject of protection expertise with excessive stage administration expertise. He has distinguished himself because the particular person chargeable for the administration & administration of numerous tools packages, with excessive technological added worth and a dynamic presence in worldwide markets. It has constantly contributed to the productive upgrading of the home Protection Trade by reaching efficient know-how switch partnerships with international protection industries. Additionally vital is his contribution to the strengthening of the Greek manufacturing identification as a way to produce top quality and technological protection merchandise (Designed/Made-in-Greece). Then in the previous couple of years he served as Senior Technical & Administration Advisor within the largest Aerospace & Protection firm in India, a distinguished expertise that provides yet one more profitable interval to his profession path.

Konstantinos Panagopoulos

He works as a Administration Engineer. He holds a grasp’s diploma from the Nationwide Technical College of Athens. He served within the Basic Employees of the Navy, specializing in digital administration. He has labored in trade and IT companies. He has challenge administration expertise within the subject of important infrastructure safety, threat administration and superior applied sciences.

Nikolaos Douros

He works as a Naval Mechanical Engineer with a Grasp’s diploma from the College of Strathclyde, Glasgow. Specializing within the design and building of frigates within the UK. He participated within the analysis of carbon dioxide seize methods from business ships. He had labored on the feasibility research of tidal vitality utilization methods. Former Military helicopter flight engineer.

Alexia Stoupi

She is finishing her Masters in Utilized Technique and Worldwide Safety on the College of Plymouth. Graduate of the College of Nationwide Protection with an Affiliate Diploma in Protection and Strategic Research. He studied Political Science & Public Administration and graduated from the Nationwide College of Public Administration. He’s a senior member of the Public Administration with work expertise on the Ministry of the Inside whereas he additionally labored for the European Fee. He took half in a NATO coaching program on Worldwide Safety and has participated in quite a few working teams with the most recent one on the College of Plymouth on “countering hybrid threats in Maritime and Area”.

Vice Admiral P.N. (a.a.) Konstantinos Karageorgis

He has been energetic within the fields of Protection and Safety, Worldwide Relations, Administration and Administration of personnel and assets, Schooling and Delivery. He has served in numerous companies and items of the E. D. For 5 years he has been the commander of Warships and has served because the Naval Envoy of Greece in Paris, Commander of the Quick Vessels Command, Commander of the Naval Coaching Command and, from 2015 to 2017 , as Fleet Commander. In 2017, he was appointed because the Army Consultant of Greece to NATO and the EU, in Brussels, a place from which he gained vital expertise in worldwide relations and the geopolitical and transnational balances of the 2 organizations. After his retirement, he labored on the aviation {hardware} and spare elements manufacturing firm AERONAVA USSA, as vp, answerable for Growth and Administration of Sources and Personnel of the corporate and as Director of the Maritime Safety School, International Maritime Danger Administration Group Diplous. He holds the next graduate levels: • Grasp in Public Administration, Harvard Kennedy College of Authorities, Cambridge Massachusetts (USA) 2004. • Grasp of Science in Laptop Science, Naval Postgraduate College, Monterey CA (USA) 1992. He speaks wonderful English and the French.

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#SYRIZA #tank #Nationwide #Protection #introduced

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