Home » today » Sport » SYRIZA: The 42 MEP candidates – Hugs with Alexis Tsipras (Video) – 2024-04-20 04:36:48

SYRIZA: The 42 MEP candidates – Hugs with Alexis Tsipras (Video) – 2024-04-20 04:36:48

Their plan was “a SYRIZA alone, constantly shrinking, recycling into introversion, ceding the position of official opposition to a party convenient for the system”, but “you didn’t let them, you spoiled it all for them, because you took SYRIZA to your hands”, said Stefanos Kasselakis at the central event for the presentation of the SYRIZA-PS European ballot.

After the presentation of the 42 people who make up the SYRIZA PS European ballot, by the party’s representative Voula Kehagia, Stefanos Kasselakis together with the candidates went on stage for the family photo. The president of SYRIZA commented that the SYRIZA ballot compared to that of the ND is “progressive excellence in the face of targeted, measured, contradictory candidacies”.

He expressed his pride for all the SYRIZA candidates stating that his heart is divided by 42 on the ballot, to add that “you are all the choices of the world of SYRIZA and soon also of Greece, just as I was the choice of the world of SYRIZA, but before that I was a man’s choice on a State ballot, everything starts from somewhere we have to go forward”.

“Alexis come up” said Stefanos Kasselakis and invited Alexis Tsipras to come up and stand next to the 42 candidates for the European elections.

The room stood up to applaud Alexis Tsipras who went on stage and greeted and hugged the MEP candidates.

Read about it: Kasselakis at the presentation of the SYRIZA European ballot: You will not succeed in breaking us (Video)

The 42 candidates of SYRIZA PS for the European elections are as follows:

1) Athanasiou Marios (actor)

2) Antonaros Evangelos (journalist)

3) Aravantinos-Simonettos Charalambos (postgraduate student, business owner)

4) Kostas Arvanitis (MEP, journalist)

5) Arseni Evgenia (Jeni), (Ph.D. in Aesthetic Philosophy, Director – Theatrologist)

6) Avgeri Dora (journalist, lawyer)

7) Veneri Lydia (lawyer, international law PhD candidate)

8) Giannaka Ekaterini (retired from the Ministry of Finance)

9) Gounalakis Antonis, (PhD candidate in economics and assistant professor, in the USA)

10) Dritseli Panagiota (educator)

11) Kaludioti Maria (educator)

12) Karagiorgou-Lazaris Margarita (retired civil servant)

13) Vassilios Kasselakis (doctor)

14) Katsis Marios (electronic engineer, computer engineer)

15) Katsigianni Aglaia (internationalist)

16) Kordatzi Violeta (mechanical design engineer)

17) Korovesi Myrto (lawyer)

18) Kountoura Elena (MEP)

19) Kouroumplis Panagiotis (lawyer)

20) Lekatsa Melpo (retired pharmacist)

21) March George (mathematician)

22) Molonis Spyridon (shareholder of a model livestock unit)

23) Moumtzi Ifigenia (researcher)

24) Sophia Bekatorou (psychologist)

25) George Nouskalis (lawyer)

26) Dimitris Panopoulos (journalist)

27) Dimitris Papadimitriadis (psychiatrist, psychotherapist)

28) Papalazarou Vassilis (postdoctoral researcher – biologist)

29) Papargyropoulos Nassos (businessman)

30) Pappas Nikos (former international basketball player)

31) Priftaki Aikaterini (lawyer)

32) Soaps Anastasia (tax officer)

33) Konstantinos Sidiropoulos (Ph.D. in Biology, writer, poet, visual artist)

34) Sinou Despina (assistant professor of Public Law, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law, Political and Social Sciences, Sorbonne University Paris Nord)

35) Stogiannidis Grigoris (president of the Thrace casino workers’ union)

36) Teligioridou Olympia (veterinarian)

37) Toumanidis Antonis (freelancer)

38) Tsambazi Theodora (Dora), (journalist)

39) Tsipras Giorgos (mechanical engineer)

40) Tsirigoti Zaharoula (Lieutenant General in retirement of the Greek Army)

41) Nikolaos Farandouris (Professor of European Law & Energy Law, University of Piraeus).

42) Christina Hlapanida (lawyer)

Read also:

Lekatsa, Sinou, Kordatzi, Papalazarou, Veneri – These are the 5 Kasselaki choices that complete the ballot

Melpo Lekatsa: A historical form of the anti-dictatorship struggle in the SYRIZA European ballot (Video)

#SYRIZA #MEP #candidates #Hugs #Alexis #Tsipras #Video

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