Home » today » World » SYRIZA: Stefanos Kasselakis definitively deposed – 2024-09-15 21:46:26

SYRIZA: Stefanos Kasselakis definitively deposed – 2024-09-15 21:46:26

At the extraordinary meeting of the Political Secretariat of SYRIZA – Progressive Alliance, with votes 17-1-1, it was decided that Stefanos Kasselakis is deposed from the position of the president of SYRIZA. The meeting had as its exclusive topic the reactions that arose around the institutional role that Stefanos Kasselakis should currently have, after the motion of censure against him which was overwhelmingly voted.

Theodora Tzakri spoke against the removal of Stefanos Kasselakis, while Olympia Teligioridou voted “present”.

The decision in detail:

They finished the Kasselakis issue – no one superior to the organs

“Decision of the Political Secretariat of SYRIZA Progressive Alliance

The KE of SYRIZA-PS, the highest body of the party and authentic interpreter of the Statute, by voting in favor of the no-confidence motion, declared Stefanos Kasselakis automatically dismissed from the office of party president and activated the provisions of the statute for the holding of an extraordinary Congress of the party .

Respecting the decisions of the collective bodies of the Party and observing the constitution and party procedures is an obligation for every member and executive and no one is superior to them.

Therefore, this issue is over.”

It is recalled that the extraordinary convening of the body was caused by the secretary of the party, Rania Svigou, after the intervention of the professor of Public Law and Social Administration at Panteion University, Xenophon Kontiadis, who is of the opinion that Stefanos Kasselakis is wrongly considered deposed.

What Theodora Tzakri said

“The replacement process that was followed in order to challenge and dismiss the elected president of SYRIZA-PS Stefanos Kasselakis for a three-year term is not only a historical political misstep, but also an irregular action that leads to political and administrative paralysis of the party organization.

The haste of the party bureaucracy to depose the President Stefanos Kasselakis, elected for a three-year term, at the same time as the decision of the Central Committee, causes political and administrative paralysis in the Party Organization, since no valid administrative act or act of representation of the party can be carried out .

Any powers of attorney for current day-to-day management operations relating to the party given by the president are valid only so long as the authorizing president remains in office.

If the delegate fell, as the party bureaucracy claims, the proxies were also dragged along.

There is no principal, no principal.

So the power of attorney of Stefanos Kasselakis to Christos Mavrokephalidis for the management of the party’s finances is either in effect with the president in his place or it was abolished because the president resigned and he legally accompanied it by abolishing it.

The solution is one: the unanimous and unanimous recognition of the legal rule that the president remains in office legally, politically and institutionally until he is replaced or re-elected.

Neither legally nor politically is it meant for the party to remain headless.
Otherwise, the prolongation of the administrative vacuum entails political collapse and economic bankruptcy”.

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