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SYRIZA – PS / The road map was confirmed – Local government elections under the “microscope”

The decision of the previous meeting on the road map and the procedure for the election of the leader was confirmed – The KE meets at the weekend

He met today Thursday (13/7) Political Secretariat of SYRIZA-PS with the Local Government elections, tactical issues and possible nominations for municipalities and regions being the main issues that occupied the meeting.

At the same time, the decision of the previous meeting was confirmed for him road map and the procedure for it election of leader to SYRIZA which will be the Political Secretariat’s proposal to the Central Committee of the weekend.

Authorization will also be requested from the Central Committee in order to decide the Political Secretariat on the issues of self-governing elections and specific nominations in municipalities and regions.

It is noted that the Political Secretariat together with Committee on Local Government will meet again next Tuesday.

It is recalled that the race to succeed Alexis Tsipras in the leadership of the party was opened by Efi Ahtsioglou, while on Friday the Euclid Tsakalotos will announce his own candidacy and Nikos Pappas at the upcoming Central Committee on July 15 and 16. At the same time, as everything shows, unless unforeseen, a similar stance will be taken by Pavlos Polakis. The member of parliament of Chania, of course, keeps his papers closed for now.

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