Home » today » World » SYRIZA on the situation at “Elena”: If Adonis Georgiadis had political integrity, he would have resigned – 2024-08-09 08:07:17

SYRIZA on the situation at “Elena”: If Adonis Georgiadis had political integrity, he would have resigned – 2024-08-09 08:07:17

SYRIZA comments on the third-world conditions prevailing at the “Elena” maternity hospital with its announcement, launching yet another attack on Adonis Georgiadis.

According to what the president of the workers, Maria Zisimatou, reported to MEGA, “all these months and with continuous heatwaves, only 4 of the 29 drinking water coolers are working due to a problem, which the management of the maternity hospital has not solved”. At the same time, he noted that “all this happens in combination with the bad air conditioning, making the situation unbearable”.

“Unthinkable situation from an administration that is indifferent despite repeated appeals, from a Ministry that blows the whistle indifferently and from a Minister who…philosophizes on social media that “politics is an applied art”. We do not know if the destruction of the health system is some form of “art”, however, what is certain is that the Minister of Health, Adonis Georgiadis, fully owns it” they report, among others, from Koumoundourou.

Read also: Terrible conditions at the “Elena” maternity hospital: No drinking water for 2 months – Insufficient air conditioning in the heat (Video)

In addition, SYRIZA highlights the problems and the terrible deficiencies in the Health Center of Tinos: “We do not want to become soothsayers of evil, but we send a clear warning to Adonis Georgiadis” they say meaningfully.

The announcement of SYRIZA:

“The largest maternity hospital in the country is collapsing”: The shocking complaint of the workers at “Elena” about the lack of drinking water clearly highlights the situation in the public health system during the Mitsotakis administration and the Adonis Georgiadis administration.

Workers, pregnant women and attendants to search in vain to find a working cooler (out of the 29 that exist in the “Elena” buildings), to buy bottled water and put it on the malfunctioning air conditioners to cool down, and worst of all, to they pass out from the suffocating conditions that prevail.

Unthinkable situation from an administration that is indifferent despite repeated appeals, from a Ministry that blows the whistle indifferently and from a Minister who…philosophizes on social media that “politics is an applied art”.

We do not know if the destruction of the health system is some form of “art”, however, what is certain is that the Minister of Health, Adonis Georgiadis, fully owns it.

Otherwise he would have already submitted his resignation, when such things happen in the largest maternity hospital in the country.

Of course, waiting for such a move of political correctness is in vain, since his plan, as well as that of the Mitsotakis government in general, is to push citizens into the paid arms of private hospitals and maternity hospitals.

“Only a shame”, we would add, but we know that no one in the Mitsotakis system has even rudimentary sensibilities.

P.S.: At the Health Center of Tinos, which is expected to be “swamped” by people ahead of the 15th of August, “there is no general practitioner, there is no pathologist, there is no cardiologist, there is no radiologist, there is nothing. There are only rural doctors who are on call”, as the president of POEDIN pointed out just yesterday.

We don’t want to become soothsayers, but we send a clear warning to Adonis Georgiadis…

Read also:

Kasselakis on health workers’ disapproval of Adonis: “He thought he was going to the Dodecanese for a morning show”

SYRIZA: The insidious statement of Georgiadis opens the door to the privatization of the National Social Security System

Kasselakis challenges Mitsotakis and Georgiadis: “If they believe in public health, they should cancel their private insurance”

SYRIZA: “Adonis is destroying public health – He is the wolf who was called to guard the sheep”

Shameless arrogance Adonis to doctors – “If he was a SYRIZA minister he would have left” says Kasselakis (Video)

#SYRIZA #situation #Elena #Adonis #Georgiadis #political #integrity #resigned

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