Home » today » World » SYRIZA is in a clarification phase – The two camps – 2024-08-16 14:27:50

SYRIZA is in a clarification phase – The two camps – 2024-08-16 14:27:50

The direction and prospects of SYRIZA seem to be the big question in Koumoundourou in view of the crucial meetings of the period after August 15th. SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance is searching in the midst of heat and under the shadow of behind-the-scenes reactions of its executives for its multi-day vacation Stefanou Kasselakiswho however returned and is already planning his counterattack, although its success is uncertain.

The Central Committee (the two-day September 7-8) and the statutory conference (the three-day October 4-6, which coincides with the elections for the election of the leader of the PASoK) are two critical stations for the next day in SYRIZA-PS. And the question is whether a new split will occur before the conference or during its days.

But the groups are organizing, discussing and planning their next steps in the midst of an important existential crisis of the party, the likes of which has not emerged in years. The online meeting early last week of the group of “87”, also called the “Tsipras bloc”, which was attended by about 200 members, MPs and officials from all over Greece, was a typical move that shows that the groups are coordinating for the time for the big showdown. There, serious concerns were expressed about the situation prevailing in SYRIZA-PS and it remains to be seen whether there will be moves either to leave the party or to challenge St. Kasselakis.

In the background, the atmosphere is being cultivated that SYRIZA is going into a final clarification phase, where it will be seen whether Mr. Kasselakis remains strong or has lost his alliances and is losing strength, elements that will create a serious problem for his future even in the chair of the president.

The two camps

In view of the internal party battles to come, two worlds, two worldviews, two different perceptions, two camps are emerging in Koumoundourou: on one side are the so-called “Kasselistas”, the staunch supporters of Stefanos Kasselakis, and on the other side those who react to the elections now focusing on the “87” who have a dynamic presence.

In the last two weeks, as “To Vima” is informed, although in the middle of the summer, there have been several phone calls between top officials focusing on the developments in the party and with the following question dominant: And what do we do now? Should and when should St. be questioned? Kasselakis? What will be the alternative option? What do we do if our line is not crossed: Do we stay and continue the war of attrition or do we leave? There was no single line, according to “Vimas” information, something that also happened in the online meeting of “87” a few days ago.

In essence, there is a weakness for a unified strategy, although insiders say that this will be overcome after the 15th of August and the necessary moves will be made to create a concrete framework and move from theory to practice.

On the beaten path

Mr. Kasselakis, perceiving this weakness, which he also sees strongly in the party gatherings, is expected to follow the beaten track if challenged and do what he did at the last congress: he will directly raise the question himself. In essence, he will ask the top executives to “declare” support for his leadership, and there it will be seen whether he has the ability to prevail.

So far the correlations are favorable for the president of SYRIZA and much can be judged by the attitude that persons like Nikos Pappas, that has influence on members of the KE, and Rena Dourou, which also maintains a large circle of interlocutors and supporters and so far they are in no mood to question St. Kasselakis, but on the contrary they support him.

A critical factor is Pavlos Polakiswhose attitude is decisive. The Cretan politician, although the “87” put it directly, was not deleted from the party – in contrast to Christros Spirtzis which seems that after the 15th of August he will be deleted from SYRIZA – and in view of the conference he will probably return and his placement will be important there. Stefanos Kasselakis, moreover, needs him as a main support in a match that he may not have tomorrow!

The “casselist”

The party president in this contest has several supporters in the KO and a significant number of members in the KE. It relies on MPs Evangelos Apostolakis, Theodora Tzakri, George Karamero, Peter Pappa, George Gavrilos, Iota Poulos, Christidou Rally etc., while close to the presidential group, but with autonomy, is also Nina Kasimati. He has support from former MPs Yannis Bournou, Thanasis Oikonomou and Thanos Moraitis, who is also the director of KO, but also the Manoli Kapnisakisdirector of his office, the representative of the party Voula Kehagiathe deputy representative Pausanias Papageorgiouthe MEP Nikos Pappathe current secretary of the party Rania Svigouthe former secretary Pano Riga etc. And according to calculations, he currently controls 60% of the KE as well as the KO.

The “anti-cashier”

In this group, which is now in the mood to directly challenge St. Kasselakis, there are persons who have close contact and regular communication with him Alexis Tsipras with what that means for the future, although the former prime minister insists that no one is speaking on his behalf. These are the Olga Gerovasilio Alekos Flambourarishis sister Janet Tsipras.

In the group he is not the head of the KO Socrates Famous, but he maintains excellent communication with its key executives and the interesting thing is that the presidential team has him… in the corner at last and it is possible that he will be replaced after the TIF. On the list is the former prime minister’s first cousin, George Tsiprasthe former secretary George Vasiliadisthe finance manager of SYRIZA in recent years Thymios Georgopoulos, who also had the big confrontation with St. Kasselakis for the party’s finances, the former MPs Kostas Zachariadis, Yannis Ragousis, Thanassis Theocharopoulos, Yannis Mouzalas, Giannis Balafas, Maria Repoussi etc.

The critical five

The group of “87”, who are waiting for Mr. Tsipras’s nod if he wants to make the move, includes seven MPs, not counting S. Famellos: Athena Linou, for which there was a big conflict recently with the attack against it by P. Polakis, o Miltos Zambaraso Andreas Panagiotopouloso Dionysis KalamatianosOlga Gerovasili, h Katerina Notopoulou and the Christos Giannoulis. If five MPs leave (an opinion expressed at the meeting of the “87” but not decided as a motion), the position of official opposition is occupied by PaSoK.

There is information, however, that the number of MPs reacting to Kasselaki’s moves has risen to 12-15. In fact, last Wednesday there was a new online meeting of the “87” and there it was decided that there is no way to tolerate strategies for the deletion of Chr. Spirtzis and to immediately find a solution to the salaries of the employees in “Avgi” and Kokkino.

Finally, his team is also in contact with the MPs and especially with the “87”. Dionysis Tebonera (Antonis Kotsakas, Haris Tsiokas and Yannis Boulekos, who signs the texts of “87”, etc.) with what this means for associations.

#SYRIZA #clarification #phase #camps

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