Home » today » World » SYRIZA: How Kasselakis will manage the result of the European elections – 2024-05-02 06:23:52

SYRIZA: How Kasselakis will manage the result of the European elections – 2024-05-02 06:23:52

It was at the beginning of the week when Stefanos Kasselakis accused the New Left of grist to the ND mill. Then came the statement of the president of SYRIZA on the costs of Health which “must be at least 5%”another scathing announcement (“Mr. Kasselakis proposes a reduction” they said) and another unfriendly stab by him who identified his former colleagues with the Minister of Health Adonis Georgiadis.

The sequence of these episodes is enough to describe the ongoing war on the Center-Left front. From which, of course, the third pole of the drama is not missing: the PaSoK and the Nikos Androulakis which gave its namesake to SYRIZA “entertainer”while the New Left talked about “false miracle worker”. The constant fire exchanged by the three protagonists, St. Kasselakis, N. Androulakis and Al. Haritsis, together with their leadership groups, make any communication impossible. With what dispute?

“They say they will vote for SYRIZA in the polls, but on election day will they go to the polls or to the beach?” is the problem posed in the form of a question by an electoral analyst

The answer can be given in pairs. In the pair SYRIZA – PaSoK, it is the second place in the elections of June 9, although in the measurements the party of Koumoundourou Square seems to secure a difference of three points from that of Harilaou Trikoupis. But with 40 days left until the election, a period deemed sufficient by the party staffs for any possible and improbable reversal, the ballot box still ignites a competition and nurtures a game of dominance, the result of which will decide the balance of the next day.

“The tension is a given and it will dominate until the European elections” analysts note. According to them, “the election result will shape the new coordinates of the political map”. Until then, SYRIZA under St. Kasselaki will move to “arrogant” against his opponents logic that his party is superior to all others. The need to ensure this supremacy also explains the strategy of the SYRIZA staff. And this is none other than the open frontal conflict with both the PASOK and the New Left, a trajectory which SYRIZA will not abandon before the polls are set.

Konstantopoulou is a potential ally

If on the one hand the leadership group of SYRIZA criticizes the two parties, their presidents and their executives in a highly critical manner for their criticism, on the other hand it does not spare positive comments for the head of the Freedom Movement Zoe Konstantopoulou and for the way he politicizes both inside and outside Parliament. “The representation he has offered to Mrs. Karystianou and her militancy in the Parliament for Tempi were very positive” commented, to add how “there are also people in the Parliament and their executives who advocate similar ideas and similar ideals and values”.

In this way, and while stubbornly denying any mention of future cooperation or even discussion with N. Androulakis and the New Left, Stefanos Kasselakis points to Pleussi Eleftherias as the only potential ally. Even if Zoi Konstantopoulou, for her part, does not seem to be interested in such an alliance, the fact remains that the “bolidoscopy” is connected to the post-election landscape and a targeting based on which SYRIZA will be as “strong force of the progressive space”.

The targeting is based on polling analysis that says the party is moving in the region of 15% or more, when at the beginning of the year polls showed it in the zone of 10%-11% or even 9%. This increasing trend is interpreted as “consolidated”, although the possibility that the SYRIZA tank has been filled by that part of the voters that does not move and does not choose according to political criteria is overlooked. “They say they will vote for SYRIZA in the polls, but on election day will they go to the polls or to the beach?” is the problem posed in the form of a question by an electoral analyst.

Burying the hatchet after the election

The other question that arises is how, in these warlike conditions, the hatchets of war will be buried on June 10. How, in other words, will the wounds opened by the sharp characterizations be healed. Information, however, wants the leadership of SYRIZA, from the position of power that the result of the ballot box will offer them, to extend an invitation to everyone, with the party in the role of umbrella for the plural Center-Left.

The undertaking is judged difficult by those who know persons and situations. The fact that a similar plan, albeit on a more realistic basis, was also developed by the analysts, however, did not go unnoticed by Nikos Androulakis, who speaking on Sky TV stated that he wants a strong PaSoK in order to “to happen what happened in the Iberian Peninsula – both in Spain and in Portugal […]». As he later explained, “with the core of the democratic faction and other forces from the progressive Center that went to the ND as well as from the progressive Left – because there are serious people in SYRIZA and in the New Left, pro-Europeans who can join forces, join our anxieties and that there should be a strong opposition to the New Democracy”.

From the wording it becomes clear that the invitation of the president of PaSoK is not addressed to “all SYRIZA” and certainly not to its president. Under the condition, of course, that PaSoK will make its own coup. It will be done; However, as Stefanos Kasselakis has said, “the polls are empty.”

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