Home » today » World » SYRIZA: “Did Mitsotakis inform the diaspora about where their personal data ended up?” – 2024-09-30 14:36:35

SYRIZA: “Did Mitsotakis inform the diaspora about where their personal data ended up?” – 2024-09-30 14:36:35

“The Prime Minister started the weekly apologetic note with the issue of the vote of the emigrants. So let’s remember that the Ministry of the Interior and Mrs. Asimakopoulou have been condemned by the Personal Data Protection Authority, which even imposed fines on them”, says in a statement the SYRIZA.

As he notes, “did Mr. Mitsotakis inform the diaspora about where their personal data ended up, under the responsibility of the ministry?”

Who used them illegally and without the knowledge of the emigrants, with the sole purpose of strengthening their personal election campaign and the ND?

Did Mr. Mitsotakis give the necessary guarantees that this will not happen again? We are sure that he did none of the above!

As for the great interest of investors in Greece, we hope that it does not concern direct assignments, which have now exceeded 15 billion euros, according to official data. We want to believe that Mr. Mitsotakis referred to the years of large and small tenders in Greece and the safe environment that Maximou creates for investors, sometimes through monitoring of policyholders and other times through deletions from his Parliamentary Group of anyone who asks about their course.

We assume that Mr. Mitsotakis knows that transparency in decisions is a key element in the evaluation of every investor.

Mr. Mitsotakis also referred to the course of national issues and relations with Turkey.

We demand and expect the information from him, in order to respond institutionally to what we saw develop during the prime ministership.

The future of Cyprus, bilateral relations with Turkey and the application of international law concern the Greek people and political parties.

We await the update we have officially requested.

As for the other elements of the government’s work to which the Prime Minister referred, they confirm the opposite. Ultimately, whether he is in New York or Athens, he does not understand the tangible daily problems of the citizens. Not in Health, not in pensions, not in Education, not in accuracy and inflation. Much more in matters of energy security, fire protection and regional development.

We indicate that 50% of new employment contracts are part-time. The purchasing power of the Greeks fell below even that of Bulgaria. The meager increases promised by the government to pensioners will automatically be absorbed by food inflation and accuracy. 7 out of 10 citizens of this country never see more than €1000 in their bank account throughout the year.

It is with regret that we recall the black record of 4 million burned acres since he took over in 2019 and that this year, after Attica burned mercilessly in previous years, the fires reached Chalandri and the urban fabric of the capital. As for the AEGIS program and the 160 fire engines that will be received before the start of the 2025 season, it seems that he “forgets” that of the approximately 3,600 vehicles of the Fire Department, 500 are over 30 years old and approximately 1,500 over 20 years old, with what this implies for operational efficiency and the cost of their maintenance. Alas if this is the renewal that will save us from the destruction of time!

This destructive policy must soon end.

Mr. Prime Minister, we sincerely wish you an immediate return and, in fact, your return from New York.”

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#SYRIZA #Mitsotakis #inform #diaspora #personal #data #ended

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