Home » today » World » SYRIZA: Attempt to squeeze Kasselakis – Request for deletion – 2024-10-05 15:35:38

SYRIZA: Attempt to squeeze Kasselakis – Request for deletion – 2024-10-05 15:35:38

His political opponents within SYRIZA are trying to put Stefanos Kasselakis in a difficult position, on the occasion of his recent reference to a “component of entanglement”.

The lawyer Yannis Boulekosa member of the KE, submitted an amendment to the presidium to be voted on, seeking the condemnation of the respective petitions.

“Anyone who considers the collective decisions of the party to be the product of interference cannot be a member of the party and certainly cannot have a position of responsibility in it” Mr. Boulekos concluded, among other things, clearly implying the former president of the faction, but also his disposition to regain the reins.

“The plan of the entanglement is for Mitsotakis to remain in the government of the country until 2031. So the plan of the entanglement is served by the one who undermines the unified expression of the progressive forces,” he also said.

In the same line were found together Thanassis Theocharopoulos – Kostas Zachariadiswho, on their own initiative, asked the KE to condemn expressions that offend the party as a whole.

The target of this almost identical effort in the stormy session of Saturday (4/10) which was marked by the departure of members from the room is St. Kasselakis to either withdraw or be referred. Certainly, however, he feels the pressure of the party as a whole.

Moumoulidis requests the removal of Kasselakis

Earlier, it was also known the request to refer Stefanos Kasselakis to the Ethics Committee of the party with the question of deletion by the director Themi Moumoulidis.

“Whoever harms SYRIZA has no place in it. Whoever slanders history and his comrades has no place in him. Anyone who divides with toxic speech, refusing the political confrontation, has no place in SYRIZA” pointed out the former MP, underlining that “clean and responsible political choices and clean solutions are one way”.

In his letter to the competent Committee, with simultaneous notification to the president of KO Nikos Pappa and secretary Rania Svigou, Mr. Moumoulidis described specific incidents.

He characteristically spoke of a Kasselakis who “in an unprecedented construction of internal party enemies engaged in an incredible witch hunt, reaching the point of not only accusing and publicly challenging the historical leader Alexis Tsipras, but also questioning his moral path, with straight unimaginable accusations, which he recreated with the ease of an acrobat, destroying the public image of our party”.

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