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Syria.. The prevalence of begging among children and women in Qamishli

phenomenon It has become familiar in the Northeast regions Syrian Arab Republic.. Because economic crisis And difficult circumstances, while some say that they are no longer able to distinguish between the needy and others.

Farhan Abbawi, who is complaining citizen Suri, L"Sky News Arabia" From the exacerbation of this disgraceful phenomenon, according to his description, he said: "We don’t know the poor from the other. Every day, hundreds come to the door of the store asking for money. This phenomenon has become very annoying to us.".

Lack of led opportunities To work because of the repercussions of the crisis in Syrian Arab Republic To the high rates of unemployment and poverty during the past years.

The Syrian trader, Hassan Othman, says: "There are no huge factories, projects, or investments here, in addition to the drought. These are all things that leave the world in need and increase poverty among people.".

There are no official statistics on the number of beggars in Syria, but thousands of them, including women and children, roam the markets and crowded places.

The absence of laws that limit the phenomenon of beggary, in addition to the difficult living and economic conditions that the country is going through, is one of the most important reasons for the increase in the number of beggars, turning it into a phenomenon in major cities.


view phenomenon It has become familiar in the Northeast regions Syrian Arab Republic.. Because economic crisis And difficult circumstances, while some say that they are no longer able to distinguish between the needy and others.

Farhan Abbawi, who is complaining citizen Souri told “Sky News Arabia” about the exacerbation of this disgraceful phenomenon, as he described it, saying: “We no longer know the poor from the other. Every day, hundreds come to the door of the store asking for money. This phenomenon has become very annoying to us.”

Lack of led opportunities To work because of the repercussions of the crisis in Syrian Arab Republic To the high rates of unemployment and poverty during the past years.

The Syrian trader, Hassan Othman, says: “There are no huge factories, projects, or investments here, in addition to the drought. These are all things that make the world needy and increase poverty among people.”

There are no official statistics on the number of beggars in Syria, but thousands of them, including women and children, roam the markets and crowded places.

The absence of laws that limit the phenomenon of beggary, in addition to the difficult living and economic conditions that the country is going through, is one of the most important reasons for the increase in the number of beggars, turning it into a phenomenon in major cities.

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