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Synthetic petrol or battery, which pollutes less? We were all convinced of the opposite!

Everyone is now wondering if it really pollutes the electric motor less than the endothermic one, the engineer tells us some info.

Synthetic petrol or battery – Motori.News

The request that now everyone is doing is if pollutes the electric motor is really cheaper than the endothermic one. Answers that theengineer Enrico De Vitawith an interview with him in Automoto.it, try to give. The future pushes towards i electric engines and the market too, seems to want that. A future But without internal combustion engines, it seems unthinkable for both homes and customers. Let’s take a closer look at what the engineer says about pollution data.

What the engineer tells us

L’engineer makes us understand that i new fuels pollute much less. Taking up a table, it makes it clear that the cars pollute 25 milligrams per kma very good news for endothermic engines. There fixed quota to safeguard the environment is of 90 milligrams per km. This table however also comes criticized and De Vitagiven that the results collected seem very vague and in favor of electric engines.

Another point that does not go down to the interviewee is on the dead in Italydue to thenitrogen oxide. The proponents of the electric engines they say our country is primo per dead of Nox. The professor disagrees and also says that the fault of the dispersion of the nitrogen oxides, it’s not just about cars. Lightning strikes during a thunderstorm produces Noxand only one fallen pollutes like a car traveling 40.000 Km.

Pollution problems woman
Donna protects herself from car pollution – Motori.news

L’engineer explains that i E-fuel engines I am more expensiveof those a traditional petrol. The procedure for getting there is still in its infancy and has a more worked process, compared to the traditional. Obviously with time these synthetic fuels will be less expensive e more performing. I am also the only one salvation per i endothermic enginesand it’s the only way they have to counter a future of mobilitysolo electric.

What does the future look like?

The Plug-in engine
Activation of hybrid mode in the car – Motori.news

Il future it is always unpredictable and therefore thinking about what it will be like is always difficile. Il quadro which we see however, shows us that the houses they don’t want to break away from the traditional. The automotive companies they are betting a lot on motori Plug-in. That is a typology that uses the endothermic engine and gets help from a electric motorespecially in the urban features. It should be remembered that to date, to recover materials for the creating batteriesleads to one effort not a little onenvironment.

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