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Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Treatment

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases. One of cancer which is dangerous for women is ovarian cancer. This cancer is even nicknamed silent killer or a silent killer.

Brahmin Askandar, chairman of the Indonesian Gynecological Oncology Association (HOGI), said ovarian cancer is known as gynecologic cancer silent killer because this disease does not show any symptoms in its early stages. Sufferers do not realize that cancer has grown in their ovaries.

Brahmin states, on average, only 20 percent of ovarian cancers are detected early. In fact, if this cancer is detected early, the life expectancy of the sufferer can be higher.

“So it is very important for women in Indonesia to know the risk factors and symptoms of ovarian cancer,” said Brahmin in a webinar entitled “10 Fingers Campaign: Together We Can Face Ovarian Cancer”, Thursday (13/1).

What is ovarian cancer?

The ovaries are a pair of organs in the female reproductive system. One of its functions is as a place for egg maturation and is in the pelvis of the lower abdominal cavity.

When a person has ovarian cancer, there is a network of cells that grows uncontrollably. These cells can invade other tissues, such as the fallopian tubes and uterus.

“Cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the body through blood vessels or lymphatic vessels,” said Brahmin.

Who is at risk for ovarian cancer?

Brahmin stated that the average ovarian cancer attacks women at an advanced age. But did not rule out young women can also experience ovarian cancer. A bad lifestyle, such as not exercising and not eating healthy foods increases a person’s risk of developing this cancer.

“Obesity, eating and exercising regularly,” he said.

Brahmins also say that women with low birth rates are more at risk of developing ovarian cancer than those who have had multiple pregnancies. In addition, a history of having endometriosis cysts also has the potential to develop ovarian cancer.

“Another risk is that there is a family who has had this cancer and also a genetic mutation,” he said.

Check out the symptoms of ovarian cancer and how to treat it on the following page.

Ovarian Cancer Symptoms and How to Treat It


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