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Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes, Signs of High Blood Sugar in the Skin


JAKARTA Symptoms of type 2 diabetes usually marked with high blood sugar appearing on the skin. Diabetes it can affect everything from your vision to your feet to the biggest organ you have, your skin.

According to the American Diabetes Association, people who have high levels of blood sugar People with high blood pressure tend to be more prone to bacterial infections, fungal infections, and itchy skin. In addition, there are certain conditions that are specific to diabetes, namely acanthosis nigricans.

Acanthosis nigricans is a brown mark that appears on the sides of the neck, armpits, or in the groin area. Sometimes, these lesions can be seen on the hands, elbows, or knees and they develop when a person is very overweight.

You can tell if you fall into this category by calculating your body mass index (BMI). Your appearance can be improved with cream. But more importantly, having a blood sugar test can help diagnose diabetes.

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Reporting from Express, Sunday (12/9/2021) another skin condition that indicates high blood sugar is called diabetic dermopathy. The American Diabetes Association explains that diabetes can cause changes in small blood vessels.

People with this condition usually appear light brown, scaly patches in an oval or circular shape. These marks can be mistaken for age spots. Moreover, these lesions do not cause pain, itch, or open as sores.

Usually, such lesions often appear on the front of both feet. Although considered a harmless skin condition, high blood sugar itself can be a health problems which is very dangerous.

This is why it is so important to get a diagnosis as soon as possible, and to lower high blood sugar levels.

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