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Symptoms of pneumonia: how pneumonia differs from a cold

Each person’s symptoms of this disease can manifest themselves in different ways.

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Pneumonia is one of the most common diseases. By statistics, in 2020, more than 2.5 million cases of this disease were diagnosed. If you do not see a doctor in time and do not start outpatient treatment, this disease can lead to serious consequences. That is why it is important to know how pneumonia manifests itself and how it differs from the common cold or flu.

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What is pneumonia and how does it occur?

Another name for pneumonia is pneumonia. It is characterized by damage to the lower respiratory tract and the development of inflammation in the lungs and bronchi.

Pneumonia is an acute infectious disease of predominantly bacterial origin. Pneumococcus is a bacterium that, if ingested, can cause meningitis, pneumonia, and even sepsis. Pneumococcus infection occurs when someone who is sick sneezes or coughs near you.


In addition to pneumococcal pneumonia, it can be caused by bacteria of the genus Legionella (then the disease is called “legionella pneumonia?”) or mycoplasmas (respectively, “mycoplasmal pneumonia”).

Why pneumonia can have different symptoms

Manifestations of pneumonia can vary depending on several individual factors in the course of the disease in a patient:

  • different volume of damage to the lungs and bronchi;

  • different localization of the lesion;

  • type of pathogen;

  • the degree of response of the body to the ingestion of bacteria.

Due to the fact that the manifestations of pneumonia can vary in different patients, this disease is quite difficult to identify independently. At the same time, it is characterized by the main symptoms, the appearance of which should be the reason for a visit to the doctor.

What are the main symptoms of pneumonia

  • Acute cough;

  • separation of sputum when coughing;

  • pain in the chest when breathing;

  • dyspnea;

  • weakness;

  • fatigue;

  • chills.


At the same time, the symptoms of pneumonia may vary slightly in different patients. For example, for older people, drowsiness, confusion, nausea, and an increase in existing chronic diseases may become the main ones.

Some patients may experience more severe symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath and fever. While others may have milder symptoms such as cough and low-grade (up to 37.5°C) fever. In addition, older people and those with weakened immune systems may be more susceptible to severe forms of pneumonia. Irina Yuzup Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor

The symptoms of pneumonia differ depending on the bacterium that causes the disease. If it is pneumococcus, then the disease will be characterized by an acute onset, severe fever and chest pain. For legionella pneumonia, in addition to the main symptoms, diarrhea is characteristic, and for mycoplasma – muscle and headaches.

Regardless of the type of pneumonia, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation recommends that all patients with a doctor-confirmed diagnosis of “pneumonia?” start antibiotics as soon as possible. Of course, on doctor’s orders.

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How is pneumonia different from a cold?

Both pneumonia and the common cold have many similar symptoms, so it is easy to confuse the diseases if you engage in self-diagnosis. Both diseases are characterized by intoxication of the body (weakness, lethargy, headaches), fever and cough.

With pneumonia, these symptoms are accompanied by chest pain and shortness of breath. Another specific symptom of pneumonia is a pronounced cough, which is difficult to treat and persists for a long time.

A characteristic symptom of pneumonia, which distinguishes it from SARS, is chest pain. It can give in the back, between the shoulder blades, down the ribs. It can be constant and aching, or it can be aggravated by coughing. Also, pneumonia is characterized by shortness of breath, the inability to breathe deeply, as if a heavy bag was put on the back of a person and he cannot breathe. Irina Yartseva Therapist, allergist, immunologist Chest pain and shortness of breath may indicate more serious inflammation and fluid in the lungs. Irina Yuzup Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor

When to See a Doctor

Every year a person suffers from one to four colds, which is the norm. If you have cold symptoms that persist for a long time and are severe, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If a young healthy person does not improve in five days with ARVI, then he needs to see a doctor. Elderly people and those who have chronic diseases should consult a doctor at the first signs of SARS or pneumonia. Irina Yartseva Therapist, allergist, immunologist

The doctor will suspect pneumonia in the patient during auscultation – this is a medical diagnostic method when, using a phonendoscope, the doctor listens to the sounds that are formed in the body during the work of the organs.


Only X-ray or computed tomography of the chest can finally confirm the diagnosis after auscultation. X-rays of the chest of a patient with pneumonia will be characterized by specific opacities in the lungs.

Pneumonia caused by Covid-19, for example, is very often “not heard by the ear”. It is even more difficult to identify than pneumonia caused by other pathogens. Therefore, it is very difficult to understand 100% on your own whether it is pneumonia, bronchitis or SARS,” Irina Yuzup Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor

The main difference between SARS and pneumonia is that the body can fight SARS on its own. And a week after the onset of the disease, the symptoms completely disappear if the person has strong immunity and no complications. The same cannot be said for pneumonia, which should be treated as soon as possible after diagnosis. Advanced cases of pneumonia can lead to severe consequences for the body and death.

If you have a legal problem, then you go to a lawyer. If you have a health problem, you should not even try to diagnose it yourself. Sometimes even doctors make mistakes, so the chances of an ordinary person making a mistake are very high. Irina Yartseva Therapist, allergist, immunologist

Pneumonia can develop against the background of SARS, and as a consequence of a cold. According to the symptoms, pneumonia against the background of SARS cannot be distinguished from the common cold. Therefore, if the patient has at least some doubts that ARVI is atypical, you should immediately consult a doctor and not try to engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment ?.

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