05:32 PM Monday, August 21, 2023
the concerto
You should beware of the changes that occur in the hands, because they may be a warning sign of some serious diseases, such as diabetes and high cholesterol in the blood.
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In the following lines, “The Consulto” reviews the symptoms of diabetes and cholesterol on the hands, according to the American Academy of Dermatology AAD and the “Times of India” and “Express” websites.
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Also read: Symptoms of diabetes and cholesterol- 10 signs that appear on the feet
The effect of diabetes on the hands
1- Pain and numbness of the hands
If you feel pain and numbness in the hands, there is a possibility that you have diabetes, because high blood sugar causes inflammation or damage to the nerves controlling the extremities.
2- Difficulty moving the hands
Not only does peripheral nerve damage caused by diabetes cause pain and numbness in the hands, but the patient also has great difficulty moving them, due to stiffness in the wrist joint.
3- Thickening of the skin of the hands
Diabetes affects the skin negatively, as it makes the skin tight, waxy, and thick in some areas of the body, such as the hands, feet, forearms, arms, shoulders, neck, face, and chest.
4- Blisters on the hands
Diabetic blisters may appear on the skin of the hands, feet, or forearms, similar to blisters caused by serious burns, but they do not cause pain.
You may be interested in: Symptoms of Diabetes and Cholesterol – 10 Signs That Appear on the Skin
The effect of high cholesterol on the hands
1- Pain in the hands
If high cholesterol in the blood causes blockage of peripheral blood vessels, the patient feels pain in the fingers and toes, especially when touched.
2- Blueness of the hands
Occlusion of the peripheral blood vessels due to the deposition of cholesterol in them leads to a decrease in the flow of oxygen-laden blood to the extremities, which causes the hands and feet to turn blue or purple.
3- Numbness of the hands
Changing the color of the limbs to blue in cholesterol disease is not the only evidence of blockage of peripheral blood vessels. Rather, there is another symptom that you should pay attention to, which is numbness of the hands and feet.
4- Yellowing of the lines of the hands
If the lines of the palm of the hands change to yellow, this is an indication of high cholesterol in the blood, and part of it is deposited under the skin, especially if yellow bumps appear around the eyes at the same time.
You may also be interested in: Symptoms of Diabetes and Cholesterol- 8 Signs That Appear on the Tongue
2023-08-21 14:36:29
#Symptoms #diabetes #cholesterol #hands