SULSELEKSPRES.COM – In fact, Indonesia is one of the most ideal places for mosquitoes that cause Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), namely Aedes aegypti. The reason is, Indonesia has a tropical climate which is ideal for mosquitoes to breed.
Not only adults can experience dengue fever, even small children can be affected by dengue fever. Unfortunately, there are still many parents who do not know what the symptoms of dengue fever in children are, so many are treated too late.
It is true, dengue fever is the most common type of infectious disease as well as the most common in Southeast Asia.
No wonder Indonesia has become a dream place for these dangerous mosquitoes to breed.
Even so, infection occurs through the bloodstream, so the spread of the virus cannot occur from human to human.
Symptom DBD Children need to be careful
Some conditions that are practically rare, dengue fever can actually lead to more serious conditions in children and adults.
Reporting from Halodoc, dengue fever itself is divided into three types, namely dengue hemorrhagic fever, dengue fever, and dengue shock syndrome. The following are the characteristics and symptoms of each type:
- Symptoms of Dengue Fever in Children
Dengue fever is a form of DHF which is classified as mild and at least does not trigger bleeding. At first, this condition does not show any signs and symptoms at all. Especially if the child has never had dengue fever before.
In fact, in some cases, the symptoms of dengue fever in children with this type of dengue fever can be mistaken for symptoms of the common cold or infections caused by other types of viruses. Some of the symptoms of dengue fever in children are often found, including:
- High fever for 3 to 14 days after the child has been bitten by a mosquito.
- The child complains of nausea and headaches.
- There are complaints of pain in the muscles and aches and pains throughout the body.
- A red rash appears on the skin.
- Swelling of the lymph nodes.
Not only that, the baby can also experience dengue fever if the white blood cell count in the body is in the low category when undergoing a blood test. Symptoms of dengue fever can last between two to seven days.
2. Symptoms of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Children
If dengue fever in children gets worse, other symptoms that can be seen, namely bleeding in several parts of the body. This is why this condition is called Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. The appearance of symptoms of dengue fever in children can occur due to delay in handling or checking with a doctor.
In addition, dengue fever in children can also occur because the child’s immunity is still not too strong to fight exposure to the virus, even though they have received medical treatment. The risk of DHF problems in children can be very dangerous if the treatment is delayed. This is why, mothers and fathers must understand correctly what are the symptoms of DHF in children.
Symptoms that appear in children usually begin between 24 to 48 hours after a decrease in body temperature begins to occur. Some of the symptoms include:
- Have abdominal pain or stomach pain when pressed.
- Drastic changes in body temperature, from fever to hypothermia.
- Keep vomiting.
- Vomiting blood or having bloody stools.
- The child has a nosebleed.
- Bleeding gums for no reason.
- The number of platelets in the blood has decreased.
- The work of the spleen organ is damaged.
- Children feel tired, restless, irritable, and irritable.
- A plasma leak was found during the examination.
Another thing that mothers and fathers need to pay attention to regarding the symptoms of DHF in children, namely the risks that may occur. If the child’s immunity is weak or has a history of dengue fever, it is certain that the risk of developing dengue will be higher.
3. Symptoms of Dengue Fever in Children with Shock
The next stage of DHF in children is dengue shock syndrome or DSS. This is the worst and most fatal type of dengue fever. When a child has dengue fever, the symptoms that appear are symptoms of dengue fever and dengue fever. Then, there are other DSS symptoms in the form of:
- Bleeding that occurs suddenly and doesn’t stop anywhere on the body, including the gums, nose, mouth, and stool.
- Blood pressure drops drastically which causes the child’s consciousness to decline rapidly.
- There is a leak in the blood vessel.
- There is a failure in the function of the internal organs.
- The platelet count has decreased to less than 100,000 per cubic millimeter.
- The pulse weakens.
Symptoms of dengue fever followed by shock in the baby can lead to death if not treated immediately. DHF itself has claimed many lives, and most of those who have lost their lives are still children.
This is why mothers and fathers really need to know what are the symptoms of dengue fever in children. Strengthen the body’s immunity in children by taking vitamins or supplements.