Home » Health » Symptoms of Bird Flu As in Cambodia, Not Always Fever

Symptoms of Bird Flu As in Cambodia, Not Always Fever

CNN Indonesia

Monday, 27 Feb 2023 07:15 WIB

Illustration. Fever could be one of the symptoms of bird flu, as happened in Cambodia. (Istockphoto/ Thomas_EyeDesign)

Jakarta, CNNIndonesia

Cases of death as a result bird flu Of Cambodia cause anxiety. it becomes’warning‘ concerning the deadly transmission of bird flu to humans.

As a precautionary measure, the public also needs to know some of the symptoms of bird flu in humans.

Copy the page Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health) RI, cases of death in Cambodia were reported to have occurred in an 11-year-old girl in Roleang Village, Prey Veng Province. This case is the first time in Cambodia after the last report was in 2014.

The child reportedly experienced symptoms such as fever with a temperature of 39 degrees Celsius, cough and sore throat on 16 February. Three days later, the child began to feel tired and was taken to the hospital.

The results of the examination on Wednesday (22/2) stated a positive confirmation of bird flu (H5N1). However, on the same day, the child could not be saved.

Bird flu, as happened in Cambodia, is basically an infection that spreads among other types of poultry. H5N1 is the most common virus that causes bird flu.

Basically, this virus cannot spread between humans easily. However, the first outbreak of bird flu occurred in 2014.

Copy the page World Health Organization (WHO), almost all cases of bird flu in humans are transmitted through close contact between live or dead birds infected with humans. Transmission can also occur due to an environment contaminated with the H5N1 virus.

Symptoms of bird flu as in Cambodia

Illustration. The body feels tired, one of the symptoms of bird flu as happened in Cambodia. (iStock/Nicola Katie)

There are several symptoms of bird flu that were previously reported. Here are some of them:

– fever over 38 degrees Celsius,
– fatigue,
– cough,
– sore throat,
– muscle ache.

In some cases, the initial phase of bird flu is usually characterized by abdominal pain, chest pain and diarrhea.

However, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) The United States reports that fever is not always a symptom that arises. Some cases do not even show any symptoms of fever.

Read more about bird flu as it happened in Cambodia on the next page..

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