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symptoms, causes, treatment, what is it?

on June 14, 2022 at 6:10 p.m.

June 14, 2022 at 6:02 PM

Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness after age-related macular degeneration (AMD). All the information on this disease that affects the eye.

Glaucoma is a painless eye diseasewhich can lead to total loss of vision if left untreated. More than 70 million people are said to be affected worldwide. After the age of 70, one in ten people is affected. Glaucoma can be treated but it can also lead to blindness if not detected in time. A screening consultation with an ophthalmologist from the age of 40 is strongly recommended.

Definition, symptoms, causes, treatment… Here is what you need to know about glaucoma.

What is glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a eye disease which mainly affects people over the age of 45. Glaucoma is characterized by optic nerve damage: the nerve that starts from the retina at the back of the eye and carries images to the brain. When this nerve is damaged, the visual field is reduced, vision is then impaired and can lead to blindness (loss of vision).

It is a progressive disease, which may not show any symptoms for a long time, but there are several types of glaucoma:

  • Chronic open-angle glaucoma : This is the most common form of the disease (90% of cases). It is caused by the gradual closure of the aqueous humor evacuation filter. In this case, the alteration of vision is slow and painless, which makes its diagnosis difficult.
  • Closed-angle glaucoma (or acute glaucoma) : It is due to an abnormality in the anatomy of the eye which prevents the evacuation of the aqueous humor through the trabecular meshwork, remaining in particular blocked behind the iris. The pressure inside the eye increases sharply, it is then necessary to treat urgently.
  • Secondary glaucoma : They are caused by trauma such as shock to the eye or by an inflammatory or congenital disease.

Causes: what causes glaucoma?

In most cases, glaucoma is related to increased pressure inside the eye, also called intraocular hypertension. The aqueous humor is evacuated via a filter located at the angle between the iris and the cornea, called the trabecular meshwork. When the evacuation of this liquid is obstructed, the pressure inside the eyeball increases abnormally and causes an alteration of the fibers of the optic nerve.

The increase in intraocular pressure (over 21 mm Hg) is the main factor in glaucoma. However a hypertension (or hypertension) does not necessarily lead to glaucoma, and conversely there are glaucoma with intraocular pressure within the limits of normality.

In a second measure is theage. Glaucoma usually occurs in people over the age of 45, and its frequency increases with the years.

Glaucoma is toohereditary (30% of cases, according to Inserm), that is to say that the risk increases when a parent is affected. Finally, myopia is also a risk factor.

Symptoms: how to detect glaucoma?

Glaucoma silently evolving most of the time, it is only at an advanced stage that the symptoms are felt. Symptoms differ depending on the type of glaucoma.

Open-angle glaucoma (usually affects both eyes):

  • absence of symptoms for 10 to 12 years;
  • disturbed peripheral sight;
  • possibly eye pain and headaches.

Closed-angle glaucoma (usually only affects one eye):

  • severe eye pain;
  • sharply blurred vision;
  • vision of colored halos around light sources;
  • reddening of the eyes;
  • nausea or vomiting.

Congenital glaucoma:

  • large, often watery eyes;
  • iris with blurred details;
  • high sensitivity to light.

Treatment: how to treat glaucoma?

There is no cure for glaucoma and lost acuity cannot be recovered. The treatment of glaucoma consists of preventing or slowing its development and subsequent damage by improving the circulation of the aqueous humor, which will reduce the pressure inside the eye. There are three categories of treatment:

  • The drug treatments: Eye drops help reduce the pressure in the eye. They are preferred over oral medications because they cause fewer side effects. There are several types: most reduce the production of aqueous humor by increasing its excretion (elimination). This treatment is very effective if the dosage is respected, and if it is taken for life without interruption. However, it can have side effects, talk to your doctor.
  • The laser : When drug treatments no longer work, laser treatment may be offered. It facilitates the evacuation of the aqueous humor. Since the results are generally not definitive, it may be necessary to reinforce or resume treatment with eye drops a few months or a few years later.
  • The surgical operation : If glaucoma resists previous treatments and vision continues to decline, glaucoma can be operated on as an outpatient. The operation involves creating a new escape route for the aqueous humor to maintain normal pressure in the eye. Even if it stops the progression of glaucoma, it does not recover lost visual abilities.

You should know that all glaucoma treatments increase the risk of developing a cataract (a loss of transparency of the lens) and in particular surgical treatments.

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