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Symptoms and How to Prevent Mysterious Hepatitis in Children

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (PB IDI) and the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) appealed to the parent for early detection of disease mysterious hepatitis emerged in a number of countries, including Indonesia.

The general chairman of the IDAI Central Committee, Piprim Basarah Yanuarso, said the detection was carried out to find symptoms of mysterious hepatitis in children.

“In order to detect early if you find children with symptoms such as jaundice, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, decreased consciousness, seizures, lethargy, high fever, they must go to the nearest health service facility,” said Piprim, as quoted by the Ministry of Health. BetweenSaturday (7/4).

How to Prevent Mysterious Hepatitis in Children

In addition to early detection of hepatitis symptoms, IDAI also recommends that parents take precautions. Here are the steps.

1. Wash your hands

This is done to prevent the transmission of germs or viruses that cause hepatitis. Because, hands are often a ‘means of transportation’ for various germs. Through the hands, germs can be transferred to the eyes, nose, mouth.

2. Drink clean and boiled water

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the virus that causes hepatitis E is generally found in contaminated water. IDAI also recommends that the water consumed is always clean and cooked.

Cooked here means the water has been cooked to a boil so that the germs in the water die. Water is also safe for consumption.

3. Consume clean and fully cooked food

Illustration. Keep the food consumed by children to stay clean and fully cooked. (monkeybusinessimages/Thinkstock)-

Citing the official WHO website, the hepatitis A virus is mostly transmitted through the mouth when eating food contaminated with the virus.

People who eat food or drink that has been contaminated with feces from an infected person will get hepatitis.

In addition to washing hands before eating, make sure the food is clean and cooked before consumption.

4. Dispose of feces or disposable diapers in place

Disposable feces or diapers must be disposed of properly. This step is taken to keep the environment from being contaminated with feces and urine. Some viruses that cause hepatitis are transmitted through contact with the feces and urine of an infected person.

5. Using your own cutlery

We recommend that children’s eating utensils are separated from the adults around them. The virus that causes hepatitis can be transmitted through the mouth where infected people forget to wash their hands after using the toilet and then eat with other people’s eating utensils.

6. Wear a mask and keep your distance

Experts had suspected that acute hepatitis was related to Covid-19. Although this has not been fully proven, IDAI continues to encourage parents to continue to tighten the implementation of health protocols. Children need to be reminded to wear masks and keep their distance.

(uli / asr)

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