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Symposium Chronic kidney damage in pictures

During the symposium, we will address the question of how we can improve care for people with chronic kidney disease in the Netherlands. We do this on the basis of research, best practices and round table discussions. There is plenty of room to exchange knowledge, network and initiate new collaborations. The full program can be found below and you can register via this link. Accreditation is requested for nephrologists, general practitioners, practice nurses and pharmacists.

1:30 pm
Walk in
14.00 hours
Welcome by moderator Roderik van Grieken (Netherlands Debate Institute)

Extent of kidney damage and opportunities for earlier detection
prof. Dr. Ron Gansevoort, professor of internal medicine at UMC Groningen
Ron Gansevoort has been campaigning for better detection of kidney damage for years. He shows how extensive this condition is and that the number of people with kidney damage is increasing. He also discusses the possibilities of early detection of kidney damage in the general population.

The right kidney care in the right place
Dr. Carola van Dipten, general practitioner and researcher Primary Care Radboudumc
Carola van Dipten obtained her PhD in 2022 at Radboud University with the subject ‘Management of Chronic Kidney Disease: How to get the right care, in the right place?’ She investigated what patients and general practitioners encounter in the care of chronic kidney damage. Her research shows that GPs often find chronic kidney disease an abstract concept and sometimes need extra support and education. It also appears that some of the patients with stable kidney damage who are being treated in hospital could also be treated by their GP.

Monitoring of patients with chronic kidney disease at the general practitioner
drs. Cathrien Kager, practicing general practitioner and general practitioner researcher NIVEL
Commissioned by the Dutch Kidney Foundation, NIVEL mapped out to what extent Dutch people with chronic kidney damage are seen by their GPs and to what extent GPs comply with the NHG standards in the care of people with chronic kidney damage. What improvements are still possible and what does this mean for primary care?

3:40 pm PAUSE

Healthy Kidneys Friesland: network care in Friesland
Dr. Chris Hagen, nephrologist, Meander Medical Center Amersfoort, initiator Healthy Kidneys
The Healthy Kidneys Friesland program, which started in January 2021, is an example of network care. The goal is a healthier population with chronic kidney disease and a significant reduction of care burden and costs. Chris shares the latest results and experiences.

Chain care in North-West Veluwe
Marian Klein Leugemors (general practitioner) and Margriet Mazier (nurse), Medicamus
General practitioners’ cooperative Medicamus (Northwest Veluwe and Zeewolde) started a project in which a well-coordinated method was introduced in the field of chronic kidney damage. The registration, monitoring and treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease improved. Communication with, among others, the pharmacists in the field of renal functions has also been strengthened. In addition, the number of referrals to secondary care seems to have decreased. What is the success of this approach?

Round Table Discussions
You will discuss various sub-themes in two rounds, which relate to getting a better picture of chronic kidney damage and promoting cooperation.

  • You have chronic kidney damage. But then? Who’s on?
    Both healthcare provider and patient have responsibilities to manage and prevent kidney damage from worsening. How does the registration, follow-up and monitoring of chronic kidney damage work in daily practice?
  • A chronic kidney injury care program for each region. Or not?
    Chronic care is becoming increasingly integrated. Does a care program have a future? Are there alternatives to promote cooperation?
  • Earlier detection of chronic kidney damage. At what price?
    How far should and do we want to go with screening for chronic conditions? Are GPs waiting for this? Do patients want this? Should there be a population study? Or will we soon screen via the drugstore?

    5:30 pm Closing and networking drink

    Practical information:
    Date: Thursday, May 11, 2023
    Time: 1:30 pm – 6:00 pm
    Location: Jaarbeurs Utrecht
    Register: https://nierstichting.nl/symposium-chronische-nierschade/

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