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Symbolic wings were awarded to an active girl

J. Saltykovienė (second on the right) was elected “Person of the Year” in Girkaliai.

In celebration of March 11, the Girkaliai House of Culture traditionally selected “Person of the Year”. For services to the village community and cultural life, a symbolic prize was awarded to Jūrata Saltykoviene from Girka. Previously, this title was awarded to Gražina Bakevičienė, Rima Sadauskiene and Arūnas Balsius.

The congratulators wished J. Saltykovienė, respected by the community, to keep flying and be happy with good deeds. Girkališkė is an active participant and helper of events, empathetic, financially supporting activities. “When Jūratė was sick, she managed to cook pumpkin soup and treat the participants of the celebration. For many years, she sincerely helps to organize the Oniniai festival in Girkaliai. Energetic like mercury always helps, sympathizes”, said Violeta Lisovaitė, director of the Kretingalė cultural center.
A cozy, meaningful festive event, where songs came together – performer and creator Reda Striškaitė, the choir “Rūtenis” of the Kretingalė cultural center (conductor Gintarė Stankūnaitė), line dances (conductor Aija Paulauskienė), music (vocal-instrumental ensemble of the Palanga Culture and Youth Center “Bočiai”, directed by Vytautas Babaliauskas) and poetry (actor and director Tomas Sipavičius) stirred the souls of the people of Girkališki.

Photo by Arūnas VALSI.

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