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symbol of the fight against cancer

The Gigli Festival, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is becoming a symbol of the fight against cancer. One of the eight party machines that, along with the boat, are the protagonists of the thousand-year-old event that every year renews a tradition that has its roots in history and in the bond between the community and Saint Paulinus, the father of the Church and secondary patron of Campania, has been installed in front of the Church of Maria SS. di Montevergine in Avellino for the ‘Pink Walk’. For the occasion, the covering of the Giglio del Herrero was chosen, which at the last edition of the Gigli Festival in Nola was dedicated precisely to cancer victims. ‘Our thousand-year-old obelisk, a synthesis of faith and community identity, is enriched by an additional meaning: a symbol of prevention and memory of those who are no longer with us’: stressed the mayor of Nola, Carlo Buonauro, who this morning took part in the initiative for senological prevention that started in Mercogliano and extended to Avellino. ‘A pink Giglio, a sign of hope but also a call for prevention capable of saving many women affected by breast cancer from their fate: we are proud that the symbol of the Gigli Festival in Nola has become the trademark of a campaign to mobilise and raise awareness on a deeply felt issue such as the fight against breast cancer’: said the president of the Gigli Festival Foundation, Francesco De Falco, who, together with the mayor and a delegation from the municipal administration, the board of directors of the Foundation and the community of Nola, was present at the event attended by thousands of people as well as numerous representatives of regional and local institutions, starting with the vice-president of the Campania Region Fulvio Bonavitacola and the mayor of Avellino Laura Nargi.

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