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Symbios: sustainability and profitability in agriculture

Sustainable agriculture

Agriculture is experiencing an exciting time of change, with new cultivation practices redefining the future towards more sustainable production.

The global trend leads us to the transformation towards a sustainable agriculture, She must be accompanied by a economic benefitrespect for the environment and without neglecting the social component. This is why it is said that sustainability must generate a triple impact: social, environmental and economic.

Furthermore, we must not forget that this must endure over time, which brings us to another no less important term: sustainability.

Agriculture is experiencing an exciting time of change, with new cultivation practices that are redefining the future towards more sustainable production. These methods not only seek greater environmental sustainability, but are also proving to be a solution. smart economic for farmers who want to maximize their profitability and reduce costs.

Some ways to navigate the path towards sustainability

At this time of year we can mention an important cultural practice that is being carried out, “pruning”. This must be rational and balanced, giving us as a result plants with balanced vigor, good yields and fruit quality, maintained over time.

On the other hand, green manures or service crops help us improve the physical, chemical and biological conditions of the soil: reducing erosion, increasing infiltration capacity, maintaining the amount of organic matter (OM), among others.

The technification in the irrigation systemstaking into account that the implementation of drip irrigation allows us to use water rationally. This allows us to provide the plant with optimal amounts of moisture, and to also carry out localized fertilization, which is easy and makes better use of the amendments. Although the initial investment is high, it is recovered over time and makes the crop more profitable.

Las sustainable fertilization practices are those that will ensure the replacement of the fertilizers extracted through crops. The best way to know these results is through a soil analysis. The constant knowledge of soil fertility leads us to a conscious and more precise use of fertilizers, also taking into account costs.

This is the case of organic fertilisation and manure, which improves soil health and crop sustainability, reduces dependence on chemicals and, consequently, reduces associated costs and lowers the incidence of salinisation in our soils.

Although the initial investment in technologies and sustainable practices can sometimes be high, the long-term benefits outweigh this. Optimizing yields and improving production quality can lead to higher sales prices and increased demand.

Our contribution from SIMBIOS

In SIMBIOS We have a wide range of certified organic amendments. These help us to take care of the health of the soil, focusing on a sustainable and sustainable future.

An amendment that is widely used at this time of year is guano. At Simbios we have BLOCOMPOST, a composted, pelletized and certified organic guano. In addition to complying with organic product certifications, it has other advantages such as: the slow and continuous release of its components (organic matter; humic and fulvic acids; macro, meso and micronutrients, beneficial microorganisms, free amino acids), helping to structure soils, nutrition, improving root system and yields. Being quick and easy to apply helps us reduce the cost of the application.

In turn, a second liquid organic amendment, which has the same origin as the one previously mentioned, is FOL SUELO. This can be applied at times close to sprouting and continuing until the end of the cycle. In this way, we add the benefit of being able to add it through drip or surface irrigation, in a fractional and localized manner.

Both products comply with organic amendment certifications: Organic SENASA (EU) and NOP – Letis (USDA), following the principles of sustainability.

The various sustainability practices being implemented in agriculture benefit individual producers and also have a positive impact on local communities. Ongoing training in new techniques fosters the personal development of farmers and promotes a culture of sustainability within the industry.

Furthermore, these practices contribute to the preservation of the environment, improving the quality of the surroundings in which crops are found. The key to making the most of these innovations lies in combining advanced agronomic knowledge with an effective economic strategy, preserving the environment and ensuring social well-being towards sustainable agriculture.


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