Do you often feel swollen ankles? Don’t underestimate these symptoms, they could hide a much more serious problem.
Swollen ankles can create a lot of inconvenience, but be careful, if you don’t intervene in time you could further aggravate the situation. Here are five red flags not to be taken lightly.
We all know how important it is to take care of your health, so much so that when you realize something is wrong you immediately run to your doctor. However, in some cases we tend to underestimate some signals that our body sends us. This is a serious mistake, because behind these signals could hide a pathology far more serious than we think. An example is precisely that of swollen ankles, this problem is generally associated with the fact that we have spent a lot of time on our feet. It can certainly happen and in these cases it will be enough to rest for a few hours with the legs raised to make this annoying sensation go away.
But what if the symptom doesn’t go away? The first thing to do is immediately notify your doctor who will advise you on the most suitable treatment for you through in-depth analyses. However, few people know that behind swollen ankles there could be a much more serious problem. Fortunately they exist 5 alarm bells which may help you understand what is happening in your body. Let’s dive into all the details together.
Swollen ankles? Watch out for these 5 dangerous symptoms
It must have happened to everyone to return home after a long day of work and find themselves with swollen ankles and sore too. If this happens occasionally, especially after being on your feet for a long time and without associated other symptoms, there is probably no cause for concern. In this case it could depend on an accumulation of liquids that develops in the lower limbs, better known as peripheral edema. Conversely, if you experience other symptoms in addition to ankle and foot pain, you should report it to your doctor, as in some cases it could indicate a much more serious problem related to heart or kidney disease.

Therefore, if the swelling in the ankles does not disappear on its own and if it lasts for several days, it is necessary to undergo some in-depth analyses. Only in this way will you be sure of what is behind this symptom. Furthermore, if you want to remove any doubts, we advise you to pay attention to these 5 alarm bells:
- Unilateral swelling in only one ankle, foot or leg for no obvious reason, such as an injury
- Very painful and sudden swelling
- Presence of redness and warmth to the touch
- Fever and chills
- Diabetes or pregnancy
In all these cases it is necessary notify a specialist immediately, because it could turn out to be much more serious than you think. Among the most serious causes you may have to deal with heart, kidney or even liver failure. What do you think about it?