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Switzerland: Nominees for the Known Swiss Stage Prize – Culture

Vaudois comedian Karim Slama, American-Friborg duo Les Diptik and Alémanique Simon Chen are nominated for the Swiss Stage Prize 2020. It will be awarded at the Opening Gala of the Swiss Spectacle Exchange at the KKThun on April 16 next.

Karim Slama puts spectators’ zygomatics to work with his one man show on both sides of the rösti barrier, Swiss show professionals recall in a press release on Thursday. Started in 2001, his career took off in French-speaking Switzerland.

Seven years later, he also conquers the Germanic scenes with his show “Karim Slama seeks a little attention”. Slama is one of the few performing artists to perform nationally with bilingual and intercultural shows. In addition to his one man shows, in which he jokes about everyday situations, Slama also works with collectives such as the “Chameleon” theater-forum, the Knie circus or Karl’s Kühne Gassenschau. Karim Slama was already nominated for the Swiss Stage Prize in 2017.

Duo of clowns

Fribourgeoise Céline Rey and David Melendy, born in California, met at the Scuola Teatro Dimitri. After a common season at the Monti circus, the two artists create the duo of clowns Les Diptik. The pair have performed in various circuses and variety shows across Europe in recent years.

The Diptiks combine music, acrobatics and clown games by cultivating an effervescent humor and a poetry of the absurd. In 2015, the duo presented their first show “Hang up”, followed in 2018 by “Postscriptum”.

“Spoken word”

After studying at the Bern University of the Theater, Simon Chen worked as an actor in Germany and at the Marie Theater in Aarau. Since his first slam show in 2005, Simon Chen has changed his game.

He has since performed as an author of “spoken word” and works as an external collaborator for radio SRF (Zytlupe). He jumped into the water in 2015 with his first small format show, “Meine Rede!”, Which immediately appealed to the public. His second successful attempt is called “TYPISCH!”.

A price soon to be thirty

The Swiss Stage Prize was created in 1993 on the initiative of organizers from Thun under the name of “Goldener Thunfisch”. It was later taken over by KTV ATP and adopted the name we know today.

He distinguishes a person or a group for all of his work. Since 2015, this prize has been integrated into the Swiss Theater Prizes and awarded by the Federal Office for Culture. It is endowed with 40,000 francs. The nominations are each worth 5,000 francs. The previous winners are: Knuth and Tucek, Gardi Hutter, schön & gut, Les Petits Chanteurs à la Gueule de Bois, Yann Lambiel, Massimo Rocchi, Ursus & Nadeschkin, Thierry Romanens and Daniele Finzi Pasca. (Ps / nxp)

Created: 30.01.2020, 04h20

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