SwissMental disorders push young people towards AI
Absenteeism from work due to mental health issues is currently at an all-time high. Today, every second disability pension is granted for psychological reasons.
The proportion of new AI retirees suffering from mental disorders has increased significantly among young people aged 18-24.
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If you are trying to make an appointment with a psychiatrist or psychologist, you have to be patient, writes the “SonntagsZeitung”. Experts estimate that waiting times could currently be one to two months. Today 50% of work disabilities are issued for psychological reasons. In 1995, this figure was only 27%.
The proportion of new AI retirees suffering from mental disorders has increased significantly among young people aged 18-24. The number has tripled since 2000. For the first time, mental illness is the most common cause of hospitalization among 10-24 year olds. The increase is 17% over last year. Young women are particularly affected (+26%).
Insecurity and fear of current events
Experts cite growing pressure in the workplace as the main reason. Uncertainty caused by the war in Ukraine or the Covid pandemic also contributes to lower resistance to stress. Zurich psychologist Eliane Perret explains that many children lack the confidence to face difficulties.
Out of fear of doing something wrong, parents no longer have protections and no longer offer guidance. But the effect is exactly the opposite of what they hoped: “A child who achieves everything without consideration will not be able to grow stronger,” says Eliane Perret.
Depressed, anxious or worried about a loved one?