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Switzerland eases measures: This is how the Federal Council wants to tackle the corona crisis

Take care of each other: Federal Councilor Alain Berset sets a good example and gives Federal President Simonetta Sommaruga disinfectants. Image: KEYSTONE

“As soon as possible, but as slowly as necessary” – the 10 most important quotes from the PK

The Federal Council has presented how it intends to return to normal. A step-by-step relaxation of measures to combat the coronavirus is planned.

The general attitude

The Federal Council’s challenge: to avoid that the country’s economy suffers too much, but also to avoid a second wave of contagion due to premature easing.

The timetable

The first easing will take place on April 27, the second will follow on May 11. And if the situation permits, there will be another easing stage on June 8th.

The reluctance

While the first two stages are planned, the start of the third stage has not yet been set in stone. The Federal Council thinks that at the end of May it will be able to decide whether it can decide to further ease the situation on June 8.

Observed by photographers, citizens and security forces, Berset walks to the media conference. Image: KEYSTONE

The hospitals

All interventions should once again be possible in hospitals. The Federal Council also wants to prevent “traffic jams” in the future. Medical treatments also include massages, visits to the dentist and the like.

The service sector

Hairdressing salons, hardware stores or garden centers may reopen on April 27th. The protection concepts are easier to implement in these shops and they would not cause a large flow of people, according to the Federal Council.

The schools

The compulsory schools are scheduled to reopen on May 11th. The final decision will be made on April 29th.


In vocational training in particular, it is important to have a perspective. Despite this pandemic, the Federal Council wanted to be able to give the 75,000 young people who are completing their apprenticeships this summer a job reference. A distinction is made between occupations in the practical exams.

Sport and culture

The Federal Council has not yet made a decision on major events with more than 1,000 people, such as sporting events, music openairs or other festivals. Try to delay this decision as long as possible.

The vision

The Federal Council is aware that the economy continues to face major challenges. Switzerland has now proven that the country is strong together despite these difficult times.

The constancy

Perseverance is the order of the day. Because even if there is talk of easing, our life will continue to be severely restricted. As before, you should stay at home as far as possible and not meet with anyone. The ban on meetings for more than five people applies at least until June 8th.


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Hairdressing salons and hardware stores are allowed to open – the most important federal decisions

Today’s federal media conference was eagerly awaited. These are the most important decisions.

The first priority of the Federal Council is to protect the health of the population. The lockdown will be loosened in stages.

From April 27, businesses with personal services may reopen if, according to Federal President Simonetta Sommaruga, they can present a “convincing protection concept”. This includes:

Do-it-yourself stores, garden centers and flower shops can also resume operations.

It will be in the hospitals from April 27th…

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