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Swiss cheese in Germany with increased sales: Rundschau

In 2020, Switzerland increased its cheese production by 3.4 percent, exports by 1.6 percent in terms of volume and 3.9 percent in terms of value. Of the Swiss milk production in 2020 of 3,405 million tons, 47 percent was processed into cheese and 38 percent of this cheese was exported. Exporting to Germany is extremely important for cheese producers, because in 2020 52 percent of exports to the EU were exported to Germany. Swiss Cheese Marketing (SCM) presented these figures at a press conference in Stuttgart. SCM has also developed a new campaign that thinks communication with the consumer more on the basis of the consumer’s wishes.

After the demand of private households for cheese increased by 10 percent in the first half of 2020, one observes that this trend continues at a lower level with an increase of 1.3 percent in the first half of 2021. According to SCM, Emmentaler AOP (plus 5.1%), Swissrocker Tilsiter (plus 10.4%) and Vacherin Fribourgeois AOP (plus 56.3%) are particularly popular. Total exports in 2020 amounted to 77,124 tonnes (+ 1.6%), the value of exports was 693.8 million Swiss francs (+ 3.9%).

According to the new marketing concept, values ​​such as honesty and transparency in production are increasingly important to consumers – and that is precisely the Swiss way of connecting people: living with one another and with nature and enjoying in harmony with nature. “This is not a trend for the Swiss master cheese makers, it is their philosophy. This attitude towards life of the Swiss master cheese makers arises from the longing for an unadulterated life and the question: What do we really need?” explained SCM managing director Andreas Müller. Here you have credible things to communicate, because every single one of the more than 700 types of cheese is made in a mostly family-run village or alpine cheese dairy, some according to a recipe that has been passed on from cheese maker to cheese maker for centuries. So there is a lot of care, dedication and real craftsmanship in every loaf. In this respect, Swiss cheesemakers are a perfect match for many people’s longing for simplicity and authentic products with which one can “live well” with friends and family.

Online life tastings for consumers

With this in mind, SCM now intends to increasingly market Swiss cheese. From the end of September, a total of three online live tastings for consumers on different Swiss cheeses and types of preparation will start. For 45 minutes each, cheese fans learn a lot of background knowledge about Swiss cheese and can ask the Swiss cheese experts their own questions. After registering for the online live tasting, the participants will receive a cheese package for 2 to 4 people delivered to their home a few days before the respective date. The cheeses it contains will be tasted together under professional guidance during the event. Cheese expert Christian Pelka from Schweizer Käse and food blogger Mara from “life is full of GOODIES” will guide you through the events. More information and registration via www.schweitzerkaese.de.

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