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Swimming and Playing in Water: Beware of Heat Stroke and Hidden Dehydration

[Reported by Cai Jingqian]Due to the El Nino phenomenon, the climate has become hotter. The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) even pointed out that the world may break the high temperature record in the next 5 years. In order to cope with the heat wave, many people like to cool off by playing in the water and swimming. However, experts remind that people should also be careful of “hidden dehydration” in the water, otherwise they may fall into the predicament of heat stroke and even increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Swimming and playing in water should also be careful of heat stroke!Hidden dehydration people potential heatstroke patients

Masuji Hattori, a heat stroke prevention expert and director of the Hirakata Medical Welfare Center, pointed out that in order to prevent heat stroke, the public must understand “hidden dehydration”. This is a decrease in body water, but there is no obvious dehydration symptom. At this time, the risk of heat stroke will increase. It can be said that people with hidden dehydration are “potential patients for heat stroke.”

Many people think that swimming in a swimming pool in summer is very comfortable, not only to cool off, but also as a measure to prevent heat stroke. However, cases of heat stroke in swimming pools are not uncommon. This is because you will still sweat in the water and increase the risk of “hidden water shortage”. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish water frequently while swimming, otherwise there may be a risk of heat stroke.

Hidden dehydration is hard to find!Squeeze the skin on the back of your hand for signs of dehydration

Hidden dehydration is difficult to find, but there are still clues that can alert the public to warning signs of water shortage. Hattori Masaharu suggested that the public can pinch the skin on the back of the hand with their fingers and pull it up. If the skin is sufficiently hydrated, the pinched skin will quickly return to its original state; if there are still traces on the skin after 3 seconds, it may be that the lack of water in the body has caused the skin to lose its elasticity, and there is a possibility of hidden dehydration.

In addition, even if the public is not in the swimming pool, they should always pay attention to abnormalities on their bodies. According to the article published by the Japanese Association for the Prevention of Adult Diseases and Hideki Taniguchi, the following symptoms are also signs of latent dehydration:

The key to preventing hidden dehydration and avoiding heatstroke, homemade salt yogurt all-purpose seasoning

The Japanese Association for the Prevention of Adult Diseases recommends that people can prevent hidden dehydration through the following three key points:

Stay hydrated with frequent refills: drink a glass of water every hour. Both caffeine and alcohol have a diuretic effect, and coffee and alcohol cannot be used as the main channels for hydration. In addition, sports drinks contain high sugar content, and it is recommended that people drink them with boiled water.

Hydrate with meals: Incorporate soups, such as miso soup, into meals.

Replenish water through snacks: Fruits with high water content can be used as snacks, including watermelon, pear, guava, apple, citrus, etc.

Especially the elderly, since it is not easy to feel thirsty, they should pay more attention to replenishing water at any time. If you fall into a state of dehydration, not only may you suffer from heat stroke, but your blood may become thicker, leading to easy thrombosis and increasing the risk of cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction.

Hattori Masaharu further stated that diet is also an important part of preventing heatstroke, and yogurt is especially recommended every summer. Yogurt contains protein and sugar, which can promote the synthesis of albumin. When albumin increases, it will form osmotic pressure, increase the water content of blood, help regulate body temperature, prevent dehydration and heat stroke, and drinking milk has the same effect.

If you are tired of normal yogurt, you may wish to refer to the method of “salt yogurt”. With 3 ingredients, you can easily make all-purpose seasoning, which is delicious as a dipping sauce, or spread on bread or chicken chops:

All Purpose Seasoning Salt Yogurt Ingredients

Yogurt: 100g

Salt: 3g

Garlic: 1/4 tsp

The method of salt yogurt is quite simple, just mix the above materials evenly. Garlic is also rich in allicin, which can help eliminate fatigue and help people maintain their health in summer.

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Further reading:

The original text is quoted from: “Invisible water shortage” without sweating! 7 signs to remind you to replenish water quickly, yogurt can also prevent heatstroke

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2023-07-21 06:24:58

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