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Swim, dive and collect marine animals

Nintendo has the (free) summer update for Animal Crossing: New Horizons announced. It will be available from July 3rd, 2020. After the update installation, it will be possible to go swimming in coastal waters and dive for marine life. There are also new characters and objects (for example furniture from the mermaid series).

The summer update (according to Nintendo):

  • “Swimming and diving: The players put on diving suits and explore the fantastic underwater world of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. In the inviting coastal waters, they can swim, dive and find marine animals that inhabit the ecosystem of their island. It is worthwhile, for example, after to keep an eye out for new exhibits for the museum, because anyone who presents their discoveries to the museum owl Eugen will hear exciting fun facts from them.
  • Johannes’ handicraft instructions: When swimming, the players get to know someone new: the friendly sea otter Johannes. He is crazy about scallops, and asks anyone who discovers one when diving if he can have it. As a thank you, the players will receive handicraft instructions for furniture from the mermaid series.
  • Gulliver ?: After downloading the free update, someone is washed up on the coast of the island who somehow looks familiar, but strangely dressed like a pirate. As soon as the players help him, he sends them a very special reward to express his gratitude. “

In early August, Nintendo plans to launch another free Animal Crossing update. The update content should also suit the warm season.

Latest current video: summer update

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