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“Swifties” show mixed emotions at Swift’s Wembley concert

More than 90 thousand people waited impatiently this Thursday to see in concert Taylor Swift in the surroundings of Wembley Stadiumcompletely shielded by security agents after the recent cancellation of their shows in One due to a terrorist threat.

The American singer is returning to London, the last stop on her European tour, with five shows scheduled from this Thursday until August 20, after her brief stop at the end of June with three additional dates, and the British capital – which she so often refers to in her songs – has fallen at the feet of “Miss Americana.”

Arriving at the station Wembley Parkfollowers were greeted by a large subway map London in the “Taylor version,” where the stops are themes of the artist and those parts of the city mentioned in her lyrics are marked with a heart while in the background the mythical soccer field projected the promotional poster of the tour intermittently.

Cowboy hats, kilos of glitter and dozens of outfits in honour of each of the artist’s recording “eras” marked the attire of the swifties attending the concert, who arrived at the venue several hours in advance and took advantage of the wait to exchange the famous “friendship bracelets” among themselves in a ritual that was both sacred and festive.

Another dozen fans queued up to try to take photos next to the side stairs leading into the stadium – now renamed the ‘swiftie’ stairs and covered with several murals with the artist’s face – under the watchful eye of several security agents.

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EFE in London

The young British girls Laura, Layla and Becca, who will experience their first concert tonight, Taylor Swiftconfessed to EFE some concern after the bomb threat in Vienna, which ended with the arrest of three suspects, although they recalled that, after the terrorist attack that occurred at a show Ariana Grande in Manchester In 2017, “the level of security in the United Kingdom has increased enormously.”

“When you’re in there and you see the security equipment that’s in there, Wembley “It gives you more confidence,” the Colombian tells EFE Andrea Obregonwho agreed to work at three of the concerts as part of the staff in the bars and the VIP area without knowing that it was Taylor Swift and admits that the police presence for this concert is “impressive.”

For others like Amy, 31, from Sheffield, at 31, it will be the third time she sees her idol live, who she has been listening to since her teenage years and who was even the soundtrack at her wedding, but she hopes that tonight will be special and believes that Taylor Swift will take advantage of a moment of the show to remember the three girls murdered in Southport in a dance class dedicated to her discography.

“What happened in Southport was horrible, heartbreaking and this is the first concert since then. Maybe we will see Taylor doing something in her memory, something to show that she cares about what happened,” Sam, a young Londoner, told EFE.

As the time for the concert approached, in which he had as a guest Ed Sheeransecurity measures were also increased and police made sure that no one who did not have a ticket remained in the vicinity of Wembleyincluding a street artist or “tortured poet” – a reference to Swift’s latest album – who, dejected, picked up his typewriter after being surrounded by four officers. Because the show must go on, no matter what.

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