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Sweet video of a baby otter’s first day at a rescue center

Climate change is making life more difficult for many animals, especially those living in marine environments or those requiring specific conditions. The work of various organisations is vital to maintaining the survival of endangered species.

That is the case of the marine nutriaa species found in danger of extinction because its population has been drastically reduced and occupies approximately a third of its original distribution area, which covers the North Pacific, from Japan to Baja California in Mexico.

The Aleutian Islands region between the United States and Russia is a difficult region for sea otter recovery, but rescue efforts continue.

A specimen of sea otter is precisely the protagonist of our viral video on social networks, which being a baby has been rescued in Vancouver (Canada) and your first day in the center has awakened the tenderness of the users of TikTok.

This specimen of sea otter that has been rescued by the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Mammal Rescue Societywho posted the video on her social media account, has been baptized with the name Tofinoand its growth since then can be seen in the profile of the aforementioned organization.

The reactions in TikTok They have not been long in coming and have focused on highlighting the tenderness that it produces in them and innocence of the animals in their first moments of life, as well as being grateful for the rescue work carried out so that this otter can have a better life.

“Please take good care of Tofino”, “she looks like a stuffed animal” and “I would do anything to protect her” are some of the comments that reflect the emotions expressed by different users.

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