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Swedish World Cup gold in the sprint relay

Sweden won gold in the sprint relay in the orienteering world championships.

Sara Hagström was able to calmly jog home the victory in the riot, 26 seconds ahead of Norway.

Tove Alexandersson ran Sweden’s first leg. Stock Photography.


Despite winning a World Cup gold in the sprint, 23-year-old Isac von Krusenstierna did not get the chance during Sunday’s sprint relay in the Czech Doksy.

– It’s tough but I think he will be happy with this World Cup anyway, says national team captain Håkan Carlsson to SVT Sport.

Instead, it was Tove Alexandersson, Emil Svensk, Gustav Bergman and Sara Hagström who chased medals for the Swedish part.

And it did well.

Sara Högström was able to run home the World Cup gold to Sweden without any major problems in the final round.

– I am so very happy to be in a team with these, which makes it possible and that I can manage to keep it together, says Hagström.

– Then I made a small mistake too, so then there were even more emotions at the end. But I’m so happy I kept it together and we’re right stamped.

Alexandersson: “Not at all had flow”

Alexandersson started for Sweden and took as expected an early command with a big lead of 31 seconds after half the first leg.

Then the Swedish world champion made a mistake when she ran wrong. A mistake she saved up quickly, but at the first change the distance down to Switzerland had decreased to 19 seconds.

– It’s tricky out there. They had built up a lot of extra fences and it is very difficult when it is so unnatural to see everything on the map. So I have made very small mistakes and not had any fluency in the orientation, says Alexandersson in SVT.

– It has been a bit frustrating.

It was not long after that before Emil Svensk lost the lead and Swiss Joey Hadorn was side by side with the Swede. A mistake by Hadorn, however, meant that Svensk regained the lead at halfway.

Embraced the riot

Then the drama failed.

When Gustav Bergman took over, he did so 31 seconds ahead of his Swiss combatant. A lead he extended to 55 seconds when Bergman handed over to Sara Hagström on the last stretch.

Hagström did the job and easily ran home the World Cup gold to Sweden. During the riot, she was embraced by her teammates with the Swedish flag.

At the end, Norway had an impressive pick-up and finished second, 26 seconds behind Sweden.

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